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Video Ads

rated by 0 users
Fri, May 30 2014 1:01 PM (1 replies)
  • TomGoosmann
    116 Posts
    Thu, May 29 2014 7:48 PM

    These are driving me nuts. Yeah, you need to make money on advertising (because you certainly don't make enough on balls). You don't need to annoy the crap out of us with auto play, auto audio video ads. They are relentless! The same freaking ad over and over and over. And if you don't hit that little speaker button just so, you get hijacked to the page. 

    Try this: Sell the video ad, but at least make the audio user initiated. 

    This is really ruining the experience. 

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Fri, May 30 2014 1:01 PM

    Download an ad blocker