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Sat, May 31 2014 6:09 PM (10 replies)
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  • bingoplus
    1,184 Posts
    Sat, May 31 2014 2:41 AM

    Would like to see wgt automatically mark a ball when it is on the green.  This way it would not be a distraction to the player who is putting.

    Also, taking the pin out when you are on the green is in the rules of golf.  Putting with the pin in and hitting the pin carries a two stroke penalty.   The caddy does not automatically take the pin out in WGT,  other players still see the pin, while the player putting sees the pin removed as it enters the hole.

    Take the pin out as required in the rules or suffer the consequences. 


  • spdemon
    1,588 Posts
    Sat, May 31 2014 2:44 AM


    Would like to see wgt automatically mark a ball when it is on the green.  This way it would not be a distraction to the player who is putting.

    Also, taking the pin out when you are on the green is in the rules of golf.  Putting with the pin in and hitting the pin carries a two stroke penalty.   The caddy does not automatically take the pin out in WGT,  other players still see the pin, while the player putting sees the pin removed as it enters the hole.

    Take the pin out as required in the rules or suffer the consequences. 


    The pin is not in when you are on the green putting its just a visual aid nothing more 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, May 31 2014 3:02 AM

    I hope that they don't change anything in the game machine unless inevitably necessary!

    You'll soon get used to the immaterial balls of other players on the green.

    Have a look while you play: The flag is pulled in the moment when, on the green, the putter hits the ball - some say it's the only reliable action of the caddie. Ball outside the green (e.g. on fringe), you'll have to pull it yourself but no penalty for a flagstick hit.

    On replays there is no visible difference. You see the flag even if it's pulled. Then it's the virtual view of the pulled virtual flag. Metaphysics!

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sat, May 31 2014 4:18 AM

    Take the pin out as required in the rules or suffer the consequences. 

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Sat, May 31 2014 11:34 AM

    I've never found another players ball on a WGT green distracting. Maybe its just a matter of attitude. I know that the other ball isn't really there and won't deflect my putt.

    Real golf only requires a ball be marked when it might interfere with a players line of putt.

    As a point of golf etiquette a player may request another player to mark a ball, but most golfers mark their ball so they can pick it up, examine it for defects, and clean it.

    Back in the day a player could find his ball 'stymied' with an opponents ball between his ball and the hole. The opponent was not required to mark and lift his ball.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, May 31 2014 12:24 PM

    Would like to see wgt automatically mark a ball when it is on the green.  This way it would not be a distraction to the player who is putting.

    Next request will be to move the marker because its in your line?  Maybe hide the marker too so it's not a distraction?

    Nope don't need balls marked.

  • bingoplus
    1,184 Posts
    Sat, May 31 2014 1:25 PM

    The realism of the game is terrific.    Marking the ball would make it more realistic.  You guys like looking at the other balls on the green in your line while you are putting, knock yourselves out.

  • bingoplus
    1,184 Posts
    Sat, May 31 2014 1:30 PM


    I've never found another players ball on a WGT green distracting. Maybe its just a matter of attitude. I know that the other ball isn't really there and won't deflect my putt.

    Real golf only requires a ball be marked when it might interfere with a players line of putt.

    As a point of golf etiquette a player may request another player to mark a ball, but most golfers mark their ball so they can pick it up, examine it for defects, and clean it.

    Back in the day a player could find his ball 'stymied' with an opponents ball between his ball and the hole. The opponent was not required to mark and lift his ball.

     You are right.  That is what happens in real golf.  Most players mark their balls.  I am talking about balls in the line of your putt, not the ones that are somewhere else. Just a suggestion for realism.  btw, that stupid golf bag on the tee within the tee markers is a real gem of a realism thing-for idiots.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Sat, May 31 2014 1:31 PM

    So marking the other players ball will help YOUR stats, knock yourself out!!


    The realism of the game is terrific.    Marking the ball would make it more realistic.  You guys like looking at the other balls on the green in your line while you are putting, knock yourselves out.

    Wow bingo boy, you've moaned all the way through your own thread about the game, why play if you gonna moan??



  • kersh1976
    2,790 Posts
    Sat, May 31 2014 2:31 PM


    So marking the other players ball will help YOUR stats, knock yourself out!!


    The realism of the game is terrific.    Marking the ball would make it more realistic.  You guys like looking at the other balls on the green in your line while you are putting, knock yourselves out.

    Wow bingo boy, you've moaned all the way through your own thread about the game, why play if you gonna moan??


    And once the ball has been marked, can WGT get someone to give it a clean please.


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