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Be critical, but fair.

Thu, Sep 30 2010 8:31 PM (19 replies)
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  • GL57
    83 Posts
    Thu, Sep 30 2010 7:05 AM

    Yes, I have started a number of posts bemoaning the frustrating loopholes in the new system. But come on, folks, it is as tough the current discontent has snowballed into a bitching fest of hysterical proportions, that makes the worst PMS fit look tame. I find it comical of sorts, like an open season where a bunch of rednecks are shooting at everything, no matter what, including their left foot. 

    So let us remain calm and fair. WGT has introduced the new level system to discourage sandbagging and quitting, which are two real problems. Yet, it is clear they have veered too far from the beaten track and ventured dangerously in a snake pit. Their last change, unfortunately, despite its merits, has failed to redress the situation. Old masters with a ton of experience are still at arbitrary low levels that make them look like starters and lock them out of virtually every piece of high end equipment, appropriate to their tier. That is especially painful if they made it in the legend tier, with the only consolation of the legend balls, that are quick to ignite their wallets. 

    Personally, I love the challenge presented by my new tier. It feels a lot more real than my sub-60 average of old, which was laughable. All in all, I still love the game, minus a few reservations that I have stated openly. 

    So again, folks, please calm down and be fair. Enough of this unbridled whining for the sake of whining, or finger pointing to forget about our own inadequacies. The operative expression is constructive criticism, that avoids being oblivious to everything that is truly remarkable here and keeps us coming back. 

  • luckysump
    638 Posts
    Thu, Sep 30 2010 7:22 AM

    Here here


  • blackbeard
    288 Posts
    Thu, Sep 30 2010 10:01 AM

    One positive of this monumental screw up is that there seem to be fewer apologists than normal on the forums defending WGT, on every subject from tiers to meter problems.

    If the masses choose to use the forums to voice their displeasure, then WGT should listen and in future have some pre-update discourse. It seems the new ball, for example, is another badly thought out solution, so hell yes, let everyone continue bitching - it's the only way the game might get better, because WGT seem clueless when left to their own devices.

  • GL57
    83 Posts
    Thu, Sep 30 2010 11:42 AM

    Do note that I do not discourage legitimate and constructive criticism, only rash and wildly negative complaints about things that experienced players can regard as downright foolish.

    Check the forum for all manner of such misguided rants, which indeed abound, alas!

  • aceydeucey
    504 Posts
    Thu, Sep 30 2010 11:52 AM

    I think it is hilarious that WGT came out with a new ball???

    I don't believe the Forum grievences the past few weeks ever mentioned getting a new ball to fix the problems.

    The complaints were mainly about the tee distance, inconsistent club performance, WGT's flawed system in awarding Level Points, Over night Tier promotions then Locking up the Pro Shop clubs.....  no...

    never heard of a new ball to fix these problems...

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Thu, Sep 30 2010 12:43 PM

    One of the biggest problems I have seen is the former unrealistic averages posted by many  a player...  through sand bagging, artificially maintaining a high average.Tthis was allowed to continue until an absolute uproar forced changes. The changes as I see are not well thought out and have ended up dividing the loyality of the players. As in any endevour worth accomplishing, a consistant result is going to occur over time.  Give everybody access to what ever equipment they can " afford ", eliminate artifical limits, let everyone perform to their best abilities.  If the equipment is superior to the course, then of course it must be changed, eliminated, or have newer designed courses ready to put into play.. I am a 68 to 72 average player, I have descent equipment, that I can afford.  I expect to be able to improve my scores through pratice, and experience..  not everyone is going to be a legend, and many that are can not maintain it over a long period.  Sell the equipment, let the players sink or rise to their own level.....  my2cents.


  • bryan24
    68 Posts
    Thu, Sep 30 2010 12:48 PM
    Is GL57 using this as his resume for Nivlac's old job???
  • neildiamond11790
    1,115 Posts
    Thu, Sep 30 2010 1:07 PM

    lol bryan.

    I am trying to reduce my complaints to just 1 from now on, its a real effort.  My only complaint will be that they are not using us enough in the developing of the site.  Its their site, but its us that play it and pay for it.  USE US, the majority are not dumb enough to not understand that you need to make money so when you come up with an idea, if its for the good of the site, most of us can understand that and comment sanely about it.  But if its not going to improve the game, be sure we will voice opinions as to why.

    example:  Legend Ball.  You need to get some money out of us Legends, and perhaps encourage some others that Legends is still the ultimate goal.  But it didnt address the complaints we had, although it seems from what you explained to us that is what you intended it to do.  If it did more, like at least a 10yd gain on drives, people would still complain about the price, but not nearly as much. 

  • TarheelsRule
    5,581 Posts
    Thu, Sep 30 2010 1:16 PM

    I agree with you Neil one of the great assets of the WGT beta version is the players who have been on here for 18 months or more and it is obvious that they have no intent to use our knowledge and / or opinions.  The new ball is a prime example, we don't need a new ball, the new Legends need a new driver that gives you about 15 to 25 yards off the tee. 

  • GL57
    83 Posts
    Thu, Sep 30 2010 1:46 PM

    To Bryan.

    Ha ha ha! Much amused. Thanks for the laugh, but after nearly a quarter century of working seven days a week like a devoted monk, I am very much bent on staying the course of my largely retired life. And may I keep treading joyfully the virtual grass with a club in hand!


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