lonniescott711:The only difference between the 93+ and 98+ R1 drivers , is the color , and nothing more .
+1. NO difference except colour.
Additionally and personally I think the Pro Shop should get R1 equivalents way down the XP scale though. L93 for something like the R1 should be plenty IMO.
As an R1 user I only rented the L96 BB, but thought that was solution fixing a problem that never existed on a good day. On a bad day I could only see it created problems that never existed. JMO from a free rental only. Others may like it, and it's extra choice anyway so all good that it is in the pro shop. I do think it is at a silly high level though, and should be down more where it is really competing at an SLDR type level. My brief use of the SLDR suggested that would probably be my choice anyway if I never had the R1, but again JMO, and nothing against more choice.
I would also say that any one who gets the R1 thinking it will be some magical scoring weapon is in for a nasty shock. Compared to any half decent driver the R1 will show a big indifference to any stats movement.
But the R1 is a nice to have, must make MP against mates more fun (keeping up or at least knowing you are on level terms), and L98 is too far off for many genuine (albeit time challenged) people. Lowering the level it is available at I can only see encouraging people more to play, and L93 is no easy task anyway.