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shady players

rated by 0 users
Sun, Jun 8 2014 11:41 PM (7 replies)
  • DigitalDeath
    23 Posts
    Thu, Jun 5 2014 12:50 PM

    was in the middle of a match play game and the other player asks me to use clubs( after the game was started) closer to his distances, i said no way. well after i was up x1 he decides to do the ole putter off the tee's for 9 shots letting the clock run down before hitting it.what can be done about this?

  • alosso
    21,093 Posts
    Thu, Jun 5 2014 9:56 PM

    My guess: He wants to provoke you to quit the game, avoiding his loss.

    Fortunately, he can do this only three times before losing the game. That's 270 secs. Second guess: He'd quit during the third and come back shortly before the clock runs down, eventually claiming a "win" - another 240 secs.

    Poor loser IMHO, not worth any further action.

  • PRStevenson
    842 Posts
    Thu, Jun 5 2014 11:59 PM

    what can be done about this?

    Make yourself a cup of tea? He only has one objective and that is for you to quit so he can claim a win. If you quit he's won, if you don't he loses.

    There is no solution for this type of behavior you just have decide what's more important to you; quitting the game because it's taking too long and letting him win or having to be patient to win the game and not let him win.

    I would say that often a players conduct will be influenced by what is said in the chat box. These types are usually looking for a reaction and though most of us on impulse want to react, inflammatory comments or aggression just adds fuel to the fire. They are more likely to give up if they are not getting the reactions they want.

  • JeanieB1943
    2 Posts
    Fri, Jun 6 2014 6:32 AM

    atleast we can see his name and beware of him.


  • JeanieB1943
    2 Posts
    Sun, Jun 8 2014 6:29 PM

    what is the standard on getting out of a game? can you reset your browser with a few seconds of stating the game without it counting??

  • PRStevenson
    842 Posts
    Sun, Jun 8 2014 11:31 PM


    what is the standard on getting out of a game? can you reset your browser with a few seconds of stating the game without it counting??

    practice match = yes, scored match = no

  • commonguymd
    303 Posts
    Sun, Jun 8 2014 11:38 PM

    Just look at his wall and see all the crap he pulls with people.   Block the freak.

  • alosso
    21,093 Posts
    Sun, Jun 8 2014 11:41 PM

    It would be best not to start a multiplayer game if you might have to quit it.

    Second best is to use the "quit" or "concede" tab in the game's options menu, after an excuse in the chat.

    What do you mean by "without counting"?

    It will count against completion %% for you and all affected players,

    there will be no score - futile protection of the average,

    it may or may not count against you in match stats.