WGT has a big mess working with these CC brackets. We sailed through our first try so another was set up and is working fine. Then we post a couple of Premium affairs and then the fun started.
When I left last night I was entered into both of the Premium brackets and the start time was TBD. I come on today only to find those tournaments gone and replaced with a whole bunch of new ones. I go to the CC forum to find out if there was any info on this and find a thread about guys WD'ing that never had a chance to play. WTF.
I go back to the bracket page on the game client and I'll be damned-the original tournaments are back in place and the new ones are gone! The score I shot in the Premium CTTH at Wolf Creek doesn't even show in my score history!!
I never got a chance to play the first round in this one. Rod Serling is alive and well and mucking around in the CC brackets. :-D