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Please solve the load times issue

Sat, Jun 7 2014 4:02 PM (29 replies)
  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Fri, Jun 6 2014 5:15 PM

    It's super frustrating to take 45 minutes to play 9 holes by myself.


    Question for WGT, will this be resolved by the start of the Open?


    I'm not looking forward to 2 hour rounds.


    Before anyone asks, I can zip through other websites lickety-split...heck, some times take me 4-5 minutes just to open up a post on WGT forums.


    I spend more time closing and reopening my browser while playing, than I actually spend playing the darned game.



  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Jun 6 2014 6:31 PM


    It's super frustrating to take 45 minutes to play 9 holes by myself.


    Question for WGT, will this be resolved by the start of the Open?


    I'm not looking forward to 2 hour rounds.


    Before anyone asks, I can zip through other websites lickety-split...heck, some times take me 4-5 minutes just to open up a post on WGT forums.


    I spend more time closing and reopening my browser while playing, than I actually spend playing the darned game.



    Time to buy a new puter MB.

    My new one has 8mb ram ..HP I7 processor

    I have no problems anymore...  except for my silly


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, Jun 6 2014 6:45 PM

    It could be your PC, but many players suffered this a month or so ago - nothing in WGT would load, or you would get the closed sign up trying to load a page. 

    It was really frustrating and I just gave up playing as watching paint dry was more fun.

    That said I have had no problems since (well regarding slow loads but still get the odd NO load in Multi play).

    Something was wrong on the WGT side then and affected many players, like they were using mickey mouse servers.

    It may pay to check your ISP and download speeds.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Fri, Jun 6 2014 7:23 PM

    I know my speeds are slower thn before (DSL vs cable), but when I first started playing this game I had slower DSL (earthlink) at about 1 meg DL, and used to play with out issues with my friends in MP games, and never an issue by myself.


    In fact even today, while waiting to load, I open up Chrome and went to and ha 1.97 DL, ,9 UL and 49 sec pig...I did this came back to the game client (in Maxthon) and was looking at the "unable to connect to server" message, closed the window, opened it up..boom, right back to the game...two holes later, sme thing..was faster to just close the browser, restrt it and continue.


    Now...if I'm able to run a speed test in another browser/window, while not being able to connect via the game client...I don't think a new PC is needed.


    I have since downloaded Ice Dragon...who know's, maybe mxthon is the issue, but mentioned before, I use Chrome for the forums and sometimes cannot open a message/ common sense tells me it's not me or my PC, since I have no issues like this on other forums.


    okay, my two fingers are tired, time for a beer;)

  • PTrenter
    438 Posts
    Fri, Jun 6 2014 9:53 PM

    This website certainly seemed slower to load than other websites.  No problem after upgrading line to fibre last week.  I wouldn't go blaming your computer.

    Same with playing the game.  Load times and smoothness of meter much better with a faster connection.

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Fri, Jun 6 2014 10:37 PM

    That must be frustrating as hell Bags, I know I hated it when the site was really running slowly a few weeks ago.

    I have a pretty feeble connection compared to most people but have very few issues apart from that few days. 

    What bothers me with this is you seem be be pretty much alone in having trouble loading forum pages and so on.  No question about multi-player loading issues, they seem to be built into the software these days but I haven't seen many, if any, other posts saying the rest of the site is slow recently.

    Given that you can browse other sites no problem it does appear to be a WGT issue, it's just very strange that if seems to be effecting so few players.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Fri, Jun 6 2014 10:41 PM

    Ya...I mean if I couldn't load other sites or navigate them, for sure I'd keep my mouth/fingers shut;)

    I'll just play less, don't have the time to play 36 holes like this;)


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Fri, Jun 6 2014 11:58 PM

    For the want of anything better u may well like to try this, it costs nothing, and will boost ur PC performance for gaming :-

    Advanced System Care PRO + license


    O    N    E     Y    E

  • ScottHope
    10,676 Posts
    Sat, Jun 7 2014 1:39 AM

    Just out of curiosity MB, what ping time do you get from WGT?

    To do this (if you don't know) open a command prompt window, then type in ping and hit enter.

    This is what I get....

    (the previous one seemed very slow so I had another go).

  • ThreeSpot
    476 Posts
    Sat, Jun 7 2014 6:48 AM

    Your symptoms point to a possible routing issue. Try resetting your router and modem. If there is no improvement, running tracert and pathping at the command line as described above by Scott may give you some info about where the routing is going bad. Good luck!