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What Is Going On

Sat, Jun 14 2014 6:48 PM (20 replies)
  • llewellyn727
    33 Posts
    Tue, Jun 10 2014 12:02 PM

    Twice today I was playing on a tournament I the I got the following "sorry, there has been an error with the game. Please close this window and try again later.  Thanks WGT"

    Unfortunately I am playing with others & can't get to other levels

  • ScottHope
    10,672 Posts
    Wed, Jun 11 2014 1:41 AM

    If you get that again, you might be able to get back into your game by refreshing the window. Right click on the title bar and select 'reload' from the context menu, or hit F5 or CTRL + R.

  • tremeluec
    33 Posts
    Fri, Jun 13 2014 3:46 PM

    what's happened to wgt  it's not the wgt I started with in 2009  error messenges  drop out 's bad loading  no loading   and yes I have done all the cache and other things(  2009 ) wgt cannot keep saying it's our problem  please wgt  I like playing but I cannot if this is all you can offer

  • ScottHope
    10,672 Posts
    Fri, Jun 13 2014 4:17 PM

    It would be nice if WGT offered a goodwill gesture of a free sleeve of our favourite balls to appease the angry masses for the balls we've worn out trying to complete a game but, for the second time...

  • jasrjones1
    482 Posts
    Fri, Jun 13 2014 9:15 PM

    Maybe it's a Friday the 13th but WGT has been TERRIBLE today. Played a weekly 9 hole tourney and got disconnected after every hole. Tried some alt shots but virtually impossible unless you want 1 1/2 hour 9 hole alt shot. WGT ABSOLUTELY SUCKS RIGHT NOW. Off to practice with starter balls no more $ spent here til fixed.

  • ISH47
    1,963 Posts
    Fri, Jun 13 2014 9:40 PM

    Practice?  Hell, I can't even log into the site right now.. been that way for an hour.  WTF is going on???

  • tramilleo
    1,910 Posts
    Fri, Jun 13 2014 9:46 PM

    I WAS NOT ABLE TO ACCESS THE SITE  AT ALL FOR ABOUT 30 MINUTES, WOW WGT YOU JUST KEEP DROPPING THE BALL, do you really think you can retain new players with the game so full of bugs, it is a wonder we are able to play at all. Every other website i went to,in the time you were down worked perfectly lol except for a government website lol it too acted like you wgt inaccessible. Who is running this company ?? 

  • Robbo81303
    417 Posts
    Fri, Jun 13 2014 11:07 PM

    Just got dropped from an alt shot game; game client window now only half loads, then says 'connection lost'.  Forum loads ok, but shows 'could not connect to wgt' where 'play now' usually appears.  Internet is fine (obviously).  This is just insane.

    Edit:  "Play Now' came back 5 min after this post, and I'm back in for the moment....Friends list went from 17 active to just 5 active in less than 15 minutes.  And, of course, lost the alt shot match.  Funny, though...consecutive days played streak extended even though I haven't completed a round 'today' as of yet.

    Edit:  its now 9:22 am June 14 WGT time....still getting dropped, but now friends i'm playing are dropping off my friend list & my wk 23 Cabo uneven lies silver trophy has changed to tin....wait, now its silver again.  Complete system meltdown , perhaps....??

  • lesliek
    18 Posts
    Fri, Jun 13 2014 11:12 PM

    my internet connection is fine too, another WGT *** up!



  • littleJonJon
    23 Posts
    Sat, Jun 14 2014 7:38 AM

    Same thing happen to me last night. I was able to complete one game though. I play with the same group of guys every night and never had this problem before. My second game started normal other than some of us where slow loading up after the score card. about half way into  the game, I started spinning while waiting to hit from the tee, I type a message to my friends and got no response from them, then I got a load time error. I select yes to try and reload and nothing happen. I then refreshed my page with the F5 key, and we that happen only parts of my profile page came up,I didn't even have the option to log out. I closed the WGT window out, cleared my cache, temp file files history and all that jazz, Tried another browser and got the same thing. I tried four different browsers and made sure to clear cache and history from all of them. After about 20 minutes or so, I finally was able to log in and play another game, only to get  two or three holes into the game and the same thing happened.  My friends where on skype and said they got booted from  the game too. We tried to play 2 more games, and it continued to happen over and over again. And the last game we play, we where in over time and went to the 10th hole, made it to the green, it was my turn to putt a 28 foot birdie, I set my aimer and putted my ball stopped just right of the dinger and nothing happen, frozen again. Told the guys I had already hit, but nothing was happening. We finally gave up. As a result of all of wgt failures, I was accredited for 4 losses, not to mention lost xp points and hits on my balls.  So why is it, all these problems cost us money, and this site makes more money. Coincidence or what, well I am an Officer of the Law and I just don't see it being a coincidence, however I do see reoccurring patterns here and don't see anything being done to rectify the problems or compensate the members for their losses due to the  failures of this site.