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Games Freezes Up

Fri, Sep 6 2013 4:43 PM (22 replies)
  • jayvgee
    9 Posts
    Fri, Oct 1 2010 1:46 PM

    Sir,,  Can Something  be Done ,  If a Player  Disconnects ,That  the  Game  Will Not Freeze Up,  and the Game is  Not Over,  It  Does  Happen   On a Regular  Basis  Now  , Hope   WGT Management Please  take  Notice  of   Similar  Complaints, 

  • DWAYNE66
    250 Posts
    Fri, Oct 1 2010 1:53 PM

    please ....ive tried 4 games today 1 person drops out ....then game freezes up .......KILLING ME 

  • vince213
    1 Posts
    Fri, Oct 1 2010 1:57 PM

    It really  sucks when im having a great game and someone quits.Please get on this as soon as you can.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,605 Posts
    Fri, Oct 1 2010 2:06 PM

    I have played a lot of the Blitz games today with someone freezing or quitting.  If it is their turn you are basically screwed, game locks up.  The bad part of the Blitz game is that if you get booted or frozen it doesn't save your game so if you have a great game going you are done.

  • UniBooboo
    42 Posts
    Fri, Oct 1 2010 2:07 PM

    I haven't experienced this in a long time, but I'm aware of this happening.  I was wondering if I could ask a question to all that this has happened to recently.  Did this just start happening after the last WGT Update? 

  • duxsux69
    1 Posts
    Fri, Oct 1 2010 3:39 PM

    WGT really needs to fix some of their bugs. I was match playing yesterday and my opponents game kept freezing. He apologized and we played on. Next thing you know his computer freezes again...our icons kept spinning and spinning. I was able to do other things on the internet while he tried to reconnect. I finally clicked out of the game and clicked back in immediately only to it read out that MY computer had disconnected and I FAILED to return to the game. What the hell?? I lost 120 credits due to my opponent losing connection.

    AND...Who's tired of standing over a crucial putt to tie or win and having their meters go totally sideways. Today I missed a 2 1/2 foot putt to continue my match and due to my meter going sideways missed the putt 3 feet to the right! Had a good, quality match going until then.

    WGT keeps wanting us to buy more credits and upgrade our equipment...How about WGT fixing all these bugs. I don't think I'm going to waste too much more time and money on a flawed game until WGT can get some of these problems solved.

    3 Posts
    Fri, Oct 1 2010 4:34 PM

    Also in the middle of the game if a player decides to quit and leaves it freezes up the game , you cant do anything .... Now this have happened several times to me while in a Multiplayer Match ......WGT you really need to Look into This Problem

  • heintz57
    1 Posts
    Sun, Oct 3 2010 4:08 PM

    ALL OF US  are experiencing this problem. Before 1.58.16 a player quitting was a problem approx 33% of the time. Now it's guaranteed to lock up the game. If WGT has chosen to alienate their entire client base they're doing a good job.

    I understand that some of us have real lives and need to disconnect for various reasons. This should not end the game for others who may well be enjoying the round.

    I'm no IT pro but maybe WGT did not expect the game to bo so popular and their servers/programmers are not up to the task.

    As to meter glitches, i understand that some randomness HAS to be applied to make the game realistic. Let's face it...if everyone could hit a perfect shot every time it would not be much of a challenge. I think a random meter speed might be a better solution rather than a stall or  unpredictable multiple spasms just before click time.

    Another suggestion re putting...Once the player has aimed his putt, there should be a way to turn off the grid to reduce the load on cpu's. One of my biggest frustrations is not being able to predict where to click on long (5ft+) putts. The lovely rolls on the greens are enough to deal with without having to predict wether or not the click will be ridiculously late. A simple switch (such as the one for the flag) to kill the grid graphic may be the solution.

    Frustrated but still having fun


    10,728 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 1:19 PM

    Whenever a player has to leave it freezes the whole game ,that's what myself and my friends have been getting since update.

  • SwampSoup
    7 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2010 1:21 PM

    If WGT wants people to get involved in levels, they should allow players who finish out rounds despite other people disconnecting to have some incentive beyond just finishing a round....If four people complete the round, they get added points based on the number of players...but if somebody disconnects and the game freezes, as it always does lately, then the other three willing finishers are punished....

    Like Heintz....I'm frustrated by this, but I'm still enjoying the program.....