<Rant on>
That's not a valid argument since the problems happen with ALL PC systems, all versions of all browsers, and with all sorts of different internet connections. The latest updates have created so many disconnects that the game is becoming unplayable.
Also, because the "loading" problems no longer offer a solution, (they just keep loading, seemingly forever), often one is forced to disconnect to get back to the game, and 3 disconnects still equals forfeit. If the disconnect problems can't be fixed, they should at LEAST increase the number of disconnects before forfeit.
I have a long laundry list of things that should be fixed, (many of which have been around since I started playing over 5 years ago), but the slow loading and disconnect problems are the most egregious.
Considering the absurd amount of money this game makes, WGT really should invest is some decent programmers and some good quality control people who actually test the game (on any PC/browser combination that appeals to them).
It would also help if they actually listened to our problems and complaints. I have talked to MANY players who no longer post suggestions or complaints because they say nothing is ever done, and no one ever responds to them. How about hiring some customer support staff?
<Rant off>
This is a truly wonderful game when it works correctly, but terribly frustrating when it does not. I sincerely hope that the issues can be solved before I, and many others like me, switch to an online golf game with fewer problems.