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WGT problems, complainers and Admin replies

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jun 20 2014 9:40 AM (9 replies)
  • Slicer26
    11 Posts
    Mon, Jun 16 2014 8:22 PM

    I have been a member of WGT since March of 2012. I have always loved the game; bugs and all, and am probably 1 of the few people that spends money on this game (approx. $650.00-$700.00; maybe more, over a 2 year period). I have been frustrated at times for various reasons (most of the reasons everyone reads about in the Forum section). It's nice to see some sort of response and feedback from WGTadmin recently. Those of us that love the game just want to hear something, anything, any kind of response so we don't feel we are going insane. Having said that, I'm sure some of us have problems on our end that don't get addressed as much as they probably should. I will continue to play the game for as long as WGT stays on the internet. Just thought I'd throw my 2 cents out there. Happy golfing everyone.                             Slicer26                                       

  • ISH47
    1,963 Posts
    Tue, Jun 17 2014 11:26 AM


  • garypinhunter
    1,049 Posts
    Tue, Jun 17 2014 1:52 PM


  • cappy11
    1,173 Posts
    Tue, Jun 17 2014 3:14 PM


  • UtahMan55
    1 Posts
    Tue, Jun 17 2014 3:37 PM

    I understand that WGT relies on it's advertisers to fund this FREE website, and I've made several purchases over the years via WGT and it's sponsors.

    However, it pisses me off to be lured into a survey that goes from one sponsor to another, all asking the same questions and after jumping through all their hoops being told "I'm NOT a good match" or being denied my credits because I refuse to download their programs onto my computer.

    Recently pop-up ads are appearing during play, blocking my access to various features of the game.  DEFINITLY NOT COOL!!

  • WGTadmin2
    1,152 Posts
    Tue, Jun 17 2014 3:56 PM

    Slicer - thank you for the kind note and thanks to the others who +1

    We will not take this for granted and in fact positive reinforcement is far better to motivate the WGT engineers than the negative posts.  


    Thank you for playing

    5,835 Posts
    Wed, Jun 18 2014 5:22 PM

    1 of the few people that spends money on this game (approx. $650.00-$700.00; maybe more,

    You're not alone, there are thousands of players who have reached Legend tier and have done so by spending similar if not MORE amounts.

    t's nice to see some sort of response and feedback from WGTadmin recently. Those of us that love the game just want to hear something, anything, any kind of response so we don't feel we are going insane.

    Although this is true, we certainly dont want to encourage another WGTPizza extravaganza.

    The mods here are few and tend to have a shelf life, ultimately a single mod for each section is required.
    Sections as in the heirarchy of the threads

    Product Discussions


  • ElwoodBlues55
    69 Posts
    Wed, Jun 18 2014 7:54 PM

    "....and in fact positive reinforcement is far better to motivate the WGT engineers than the negative posts."

    Maybe it's just me,but I'd think..I dunno..keeping my job..drawing a paycheck..taking pride in my craft..wanting to keep my customers happy..would be more than sufficient  motivation for  WGT's engineers to track down and fix the numerous issues with the game,but if all it takes to get them going is "positive" reinforcement,then here goes:

    Hey,fellas great game!..bang up job! Best game in the history of game..dom. You know what would make it even better,though? If if wouldn't boot players in the middle of a multiplayer game..that'd be really cool.Or,when you strike a putt,the ball would come off the putter face at the angle you actually hit it for..that'd be awesome!

    If you guys could fix stuff like that,there'll be a big box of jelly filled donuts in the WGT breakroom with your name on it from your newest,bestest buddy,Elwood..(you know..the guy you're gonna take the VEM off of....wink)

    To quote Leslie Nielsen from the first "Airplane" movie.."Good luck..we're all counting on you". 

  • chewy8baca
    263 Posts
    Thu, Jun 19 2014 12:23 AM


  • WGTadmin2
    1,152 Posts
    Fri, Jun 20 2014 9:40 AM
