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Went to a stroke average of 83.36 and now listed as a Pro?

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jun 5 2009 1:52 AM (0 replies)
  • berniefromtn
    2 Posts
    Fri, Jun 5 2009 1:52 AM

    Hey guys what gives with this??? 83.3 and listed as a pro!!!!!!

    Give me a Friggin break will ya??? How can you justify this?? This has also been reported time and time again??? and still no correction.

    Starting to lead me to believe you just want to get some money by selling some longer clubs. I got news for you as far as I'm concerned....AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN...

    Someone PLEASE explain this to me or tell me if it's being worked on.

    Pretty good game, but this is utter B.S.