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Ready go pay outs

Wed, Jun 18 2014 11:20 AM (1 replies)
  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Wed, Jun 18 2014 11:08 AM

    Why can't the ready go payouts reflect your scoring a bit more?  By looking at the pay outs lately they seem a bit one price suits all, but surely, just like in a real golf tournament some one who scores a 59 should receive a better pay out than some one who scores 65??  Do you agree with me? Take this example:

    Shouldn't you pay out players with a 64 and 65 maybe a touch under $2 maybe $1.75 and give the extra credits to the players higher up the leader board who scored 59??  It just doesn't seem fair paying out some one who has come 28th with a 65 the same as some one 6 shots better and 16th in table with 59.  pay outs should reflect positions, surely?

    Managed a nice slamdunk in open qualifier a few secs ago, hope i can go on to a 56:

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Wed, Jun 18 2014 11:20 AM

    I've wondered about that as well lately.


    I wonder if the percentages have changed or something?  Have to take a look.



    Here's the payout for RGs"

    RG payout


    I don't know if I even looked at it before, but certainly isn't scaled like the weeklies or the cr MR tournies.