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Good News, Bad News concerning Credits

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Wed, Jun 25 2014 3:42 PM (10 replies)
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  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Jun 24 2014 9:45 PM

    These are WGT's news:

    Use WGT Credits to purchase premium golf balls. Get WGT Credits by leveling and tiering up, completing free offers and purchasing WGT Credits.

    Good news (bolded) is that there's a new way to receive credits from levelling up apparently,

    Bad news is that tournaments like the weeklies and the WGT Virtual Tour seemingly are excluded from gaining credits in the future, as are all the multiplayer challenges :(

    @WGT, which handout scheme have you worked out regarding levels? Will those of high levels who possibly passed some of these opportunities be awarded in hindsight?

  • ISH47
    1,963 Posts
    Tue, Jun 24 2014 10:00 PM

    Are you just reading between the lines there, or do you have some insider information? 

    It also doesn't say anything about "earning free credits", but I can't imagine that's going away.. that would be suicide.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Jun 24 2014 10:11 PM

    I read what I read,

    Get WGT Credits by leveling [...] up, completing free offers

    which addresses the free credits, and, knowing that they would hardly address anything negative, try to think logical about the items omitted.

    I'm very interested in the levelling credits!!

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Tue, Jun 24 2014 10:15 PM

    According to the NEWS link for those that don't click on them ... I'll post it for you.


    24 Jun 2014

    A slower WGT swing meter makes it easier to "ding" more shots.

    Try these premium virtual golf balls that will slow down your WGT swing meter and help you hit better shots.

    HEX Chrome+
    Slow Meter Balls

    MAX Slow
    Meter Balls

    Level 1+
    Level 34+
    Hack+ tier
    Pro+ tier


    Use WGT Credits to purchase premium golf balls. Get WGT Credits by leveling and tiering up,completing free offers and purchasing WGT Credits.


    **EDIT** It does read credits by leveling up.


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Tue, Jun 24 2014 10:15 PM

    Dang, I thought we were gonna be talking about A's last operation...


    Oooops, nevermind;)

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Wed, Jun 25 2014 9:57 AM

    Can a Mod can give some insight on the credits for leveling up?

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Wed, Jun 25 2014 10:25 AM

    This is a very interesting development.

    Unless of course it's 2 credits for level 2, 37 for level 37, 85 for level 85 and do on.  That wouldn't be worth it.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, Jun 25 2014 10:36 AM


    I believe it's only for new players and up to level 25... I think it's 300 credits total. I think they get that almost as a tier bonus. 


  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Wed, Jun 25 2014 11:34 AM

    I believe it's only for new players

    Kinda sucks for those of us who are not new.

    I think it's 300 credits total

    they get that almost as a tier bonus

    To reach level 25 would mean a couple of hours of playing when you're new. It takes a year or longer to reach the "pinnacle" tier and you receive 225 credits ( I think).

    It's a cool "business plan", but once again, it seems WGT is ONLY geared towards NEW players. Screw the oldies (I'm technically not an oldie, but I do see many, many, many long-time players here that have their wishes/desires ignored and chunked in the trash.

    I'm not complaining at all. It is simply an "allure" to attract/entice/HOOK the newbies. I think WGT should throw the old dogs a bone every once in a while, too. Maybe even do a retro-active on that 300 credit thing for the rest of us. Many folks would still complain that it's nothing to what they've spent, but I would jump for joy, 'cause I'm broke due to WGT, divorce, IRS, kids, gambling, and fast living. It's all caught up to me. I'm about 3 games away from using starter balls. The videos put malware/spyware/viruses on my computer, and the surveys take all my time and then tell me I don't qualify (30 minutes for 5 credits = .10 an hour).

    How does starting over (closing my account and starting anew) work? Would I be same level and tier, or have to work my way back through the ranks? I totally suck at TL. And ain't afraid to admit it. The excitement and love for the game is fading. 300 credits won't fix that. But, it will make me feel better for a day or so.



  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Wed, Jun 25 2014 2:34 PM

    I'm not complaining at all. It is simply an "allure" to attract/entice/HOOK the newbies.

    Agreed 100%. And i'm also not complaining.

    How does starting over (closing my account and starting anew) work? Would I be same level and tier, or have to work my way back through the ranks?

    You'd start off as a L1 150 avg hack (but a very good one ;-) )

    I totally suck at TL. And ain't afraid to admit it.

    Don't throw in the towel. Your avg as a TL is VERY good and you've done this in 1 year, so nothing to be discouraged about. But I understand that in a CC like ours, where we're facing competition like Mags, Dazza, Konrad and many more, it can get frustrating when you break 60 in tough conditions and still be 4 shots off the lead ;-) But hey, that's where the challenge is, it wouldn't be much fun any other way. I only wish I had more time to play (working waaaay too much lately) against those guys in tourneys, hoping one day I'll get good and mostly consistant enough to snatch one from them.

    I'm about 3 games away from using starter balls.

    Can't really abandon a CC teammate in times of trouble, so although it's not July yet...

    Cheers and hang in there,




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