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Putting Grid Freeze.............

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jun 26 2014 1:25 PM (3 replies)
  • bonjovi1
    171 Posts
    Thu, Jun 26 2014 12:16 PM
    Hi all, i just wante to ask/moan about the new update where the putting grid freezes when you go to putt the ball... is there any reason why this update has had to take effect . In my honest opinion i cannot see the benefit of it , i use the putting grid when taking my putts to get a constant run of the green when im putting , this has not helped me at putting is bad enough as it is let alone making it worse!!!! please WGT go back to how it was.. Regards Gary
  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Thu, Jun 26 2014 12:52 PM

    We have done substantial work to smooth the meter for lower end machines.  Part of the issue was when the dots were moving on the grid it could max out your PC's resources and cause a stutter in the meter.  So to make it better we stop all flash objects on the down swing except for the meter itself.

    However we are also looking into seeing if this can be made a option to be turned on and off through the settings.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • bhacd
    29 Posts
    Thu, Jun 26 2014 1:03 PM

    This was suggested and it seem to work. When you bring the cursor back to start your downswing, if you hold it at your required putt-strength and then instead of just letting go for the downswing you let go and click, it will restart the grid.

  • bonjovi1
    171 Posts
    Thu, Jun 26 2014 1:25 PM

    Hi DBL, thanks for the quick reply, i fully understand the issues with the meter stutter on the lower end Machines, and as to making it an option to turn on and off would be the best way forward as at least people that are not having any issues on the greens can get back to normal

