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** Chipping Update - What changed 6/25/14 ***

Wed, Jul 16 2014 11:47 PM (20 replies)
  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Jun 26 2014 12:55 PM

    Hi everyone:)

    Here are some details to what changed.

    - Made chipping more linear. For Chip shots: the % of power set on the meter is now more directly proportional to the % of distance you can expect from the chip.

    - These changes to the power resulted in increased the loft and carry of a CHIP, making it a much more useful shot when dealing with unfavorable terrain and/or elevations around the green.

    Of course, the most important change is with the player. Practice the new chip option to perfect the skill. Please post any feedback below :)


  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Thu, Jun 26 2014 1:05 PM

    Will that also affect the pitch shot


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Jun 26 2014 1:08 PM


    Will that also affect the pitch shot


    As far as I know, no changes were done to other shots.


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Thu, Jun 26 2014 2:22 PM

    Just played Standies with high wind and never missed a green, so can't comment.

    Thank God I saw this thread.

    EDIT :  just noticed the flags at Standies look like sheets of thin steel !!

    Just played a chip on RSG #3 left side 4 yards away with Cleve 64º wedge and G12-S ball.

    Full BS , hit 60% of a 7 yard chip , and it went in.

    Is that linear - don't ask me !



  • andypat
    453 Posts
    Thu, Jun 26 2014 7:07 PM

    Mmmmmmmm not to sure about the linear bit and distance I hit 6yds for 7 on pine no2 today and it went 4yds so hows that work then????

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Jun 26 2014 7:28 PM

    OK so behaves more like a pitch did, but for closer in shots?  I will look out for that and get there eventually no doubt.

    Why not just post a video say with a L33 Cally to give people more of an idea before they go and burn balls "testing" it for you.  Main thing is you (the WGT you) gave the heads up accepted, but a little extra effort would be worthwhile IMO, and might speed things up for all.

  • bluzgolf
    1,077 Posts
    Thu, Jun 26 2014 7:52 PM

    Definitely more of a pitch shot now. 

  • Paiger
    3,333 Posts
    Sun, Jun 29 2014 10:44 AM

    seems good to me!