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End Of The Line For Linux Users?

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Thu, Jul 10 2014 6:56 PM (10 replies)
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  • EdJaws
    402 Posts
    Fri, Jun 27 2014 9:32 AM

    Been gone a couple of week on vacation. Got back, updated my Linux system through the repositories, Firefox 30 was new.

    Clicked on my bookmark for WGT and the left side of the page with "Play Now" and my friend list that are logged is missing. I see in the forums there was a WGT update while I was gone and flash player required is version 14, whoop-dee-doo, but now I can't play.

    Tried going to my CC and entered a tournament, clicked play now,,, game client opened as usual,,, but it's blank with a message top left corner to "get abobe flash player". Clicking that and a new tab opens in the browser with this message:

    NOTE: Adobe Flash Player 11.2 will be the last version to target Linux as a supported platform. Adobe will continue to provide security backports to Flash Player 11.2 for Linux.

    My flash player currently is version and activated in FF.

    If there are no workarounds I guess thats the end of my WGT career. Have fun guys, later.

  • Jerm65
    1,413 Posts
    Fri, Jun 27 2014 10:16 AM

    Ed, I've got the same issue except I can't even log on here from home to post. 

    If you want to use a Linux program, then the only workaround that I've found is to install Google Chrome as opposed to Chromium.  Chrome's supposed to have the latest flash version bundled with it.  (here's a walkthrough for you:  )

    You could also use a Windoze version and run it via WINE.  I've never used WINE, so can't vouch for it at all.

    The drawback is that you're opening up your computer to Google.  You'll be using their repositories as opposed to the vetted and peer-reviewed ones you'd use with Chromium.  I guess it depends on how much you trust them not to screw your comp up?

    My plan is to create a "play-drive" specifically for WGT (probably using a 16Gb Flash-stick as a pseudo-harddisk), and see how that works.  Keep it totally clean except for the OS, Google Chrome, and a couple of other files...and cross my fingers.

    "If it ain't broke, just wait for the next update and it probably will be...."   ;-)

    EDIT:  Another option could be to install pepper flash.  I just ran across it in reference to OpenSuse in another thread, and I know that you can get a Linux version, so I'll be trying that before installing Chrome.  Lord knows what the meter will be like after all this though.  Then again, I'll probably be happy just to be able to play...  :-)

  • EdJaws
    402 Posts
    Sat, Jun 28 2014 8:50 AM

    Thanks for the response Jerm65. At least now I know it's not just me and I've considered your suggestions and determined they not for me, but thanks.

    And what a turn of events for something WGTIcon posted a couple of months ago and I refuted his thinking:

        my rule is simple: if current flash works well, don't mess with it.


    There's a good reason Adobe updates Flash Player. COMPUTER SECURITY.

    IMO, you should never compromise your system for a game. And to be clear, I've never ran into problems after I update Flash Player either.

    Just as you update your OS and anti virus for Windows, Mac, and Linux systems for vulnerabilities, you should update Flash Player too.

    Anyway, I'm done jumping through WGT hoops.

    If folks didn't care about the security of their system by running old versions of flash just to get a smooth meter, that was their lookout and NO business of WGT.

    But now WGT in all their wisdom determined to make everyone conform to their way of how things should be after years of telling them to use an older Flash version to get a smooth meter.

    Well I had a perfect meter with FF and the latest Flash from my repos and keep everything up to date. No way I'm using Chrome and never used Wine and I shouldn't be forced to.

    You lost a costumer WGT, but you shouldn't care. You got a lot of other fish on the line to feed off of.

  • Stevnor
    13 Posts
    Sat, Jun 28 2014 12:04 PM

    If you have a mobile with flash, that will work. Puffin browser on an iPhone works for me, but difficult due to small screen size.

    WGT mobile app is good, but again difficult, as your fingers get in the way.


  • EdJaws
    402 Posts
    Sun, Jun 29 2014 10:25 AM

    Just seen this from this topic:

    ...[snip]...As for the flash version in reality you still can use an ancient version of flash.  We are only requiring an upgrade if you are using a version older than 11.4 which was release oct 2012

    I know WGT is totally crazy and cutting edge here.  So if you do not like flash 14 you can use 11.4 but honestly in all our tests flash 14 is a lot more stable.

    Are you kidding me!

    So WGT arbitrarily decides to make the cutoff for your flash version 11.4 and cut the knees off Linux users that use Firefox.



  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sun, Jun 29 2014 10:46 AM

    Maxthon has a browser for linux . I dont know how good it is , as I use windows . But if its anything like the regular version , it should be great . Many players use the maxthon browser with very few if any problems . It will probably have flash attached , that will let you play the game . At least its worth checking out . Hope this helps you out . Good luck . :-)

  • ButchyB
    10 Posts
    Tue, Jul 1 2014 8:36 AM

    Same here, Running Ubuntu 12.04 The game worked well with Firefox, but after the last update by WGT there's no play now tab nor login tab. I'm having to use Chrome and quite honestly the meter is atrocious. Jerking all over the place. Lucky to even hit a shot on to the green on ctth games. WGT have, at a stroke (no pun intended) ruined the game... If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 

  • bery111
    3,859 Posts
    Tue, Jul 8 2014 1:19 AM

    I like others here had to abandon firefox as my main browser and use chromium with pepperflash (running opensuse 12.3 with a gnome desktop). The only way I've found to get a smooth(ish) meter is to close down all other running programs and only have the game client open. I seem to have anticipate hitting the ding a bit better than on a windows laptop, but can live with it.

    Don't bother trying to use WINE or launch a Windows OS in VMWARE - it's totally unplayable! lmao

    I'm wondering if WGT can make an allowance for us unix system users with regards to the flash version we use....

  • spaceghost88
    1,624 Posts
    Wed, Jul 9 2014 1:38 PM

    Hate to hear this crud Ed and those affected,

    I do Hope you find a solution after the time n $ invested.

    Ed you have Been a good friend and always VERY helpful to me and anyone who needed it!

    Maybe dumb but just get low $ used comp n use for wgt only i dunno i just hate to see good player-players n friends go out down!

    Hope you find a way to come back, this sad chit!

    Best regards 


  • EdJaws
    402 Posts
    Thu, Jul 10 2014 5:15 PM

    I'm wondering if WGT can make an allowance for us unix system users with regards to the flash version we use....

    Don't hold your breathe on that one. At least not according to my latest exchange with costumer service.

    I'd post the transcript of the emails but I don't want to get the topic deleted.

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