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We have what your looking for

Wed, Jul 16 2014 4:17 PM (17 replies)
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  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Mon, Jun 30 2014 9:25 AM


    you dont have to join FB michael 

    they just find that easier to communicate bud


    I joined.  I looked at the member list and was quite impressed.  I rarely join a CC, and it seems that the times I do, I'm a big fish in a small pond.

    Hopefully I find some good games around here.

  • onekeano
    4,011 Posts
    Thu, Jul 3 2014 11:40 AM


    hello all

    UK Golfers Elite is a busy, lively, social CC, with a variety of weekly comps, leagues, one-on-one tourneys, inter CC comps, matchplay comps, team comps, etc. etc. The competition between members is fierce, but always friendly.

    We have a trusted set of organisers who run all the different  tourneys so we cater for evryones's needs, we are always happy to consider new member applications, (applications dealt with in less than 24 hours)  from Pro's to Tour legends

    if  you are someone that plays regularly, enjoys the witty banter of the CC forum, and likes to take part in all sorts of competitions, both as an individual and as a team member, then this may be the CC for you!

    you can also send a friend request to stevepsheehan - he will contact you via your WGT Messages, and discuss membership in more detail.

    so roll up roll up, 



    roll up

  • onekeano
    4,011 Posts
    Sun, Jul 6 2014 1:45 PM


  • SteveW65
    4,540 Posts
    Tue, Jul 8 2014 12:52 PM

    We've had an influx of some great guys - and a few Uber Tour Legends too, who will have fun battling our own superstars. But our club isn't all about the top players - it's one of the most social clubs around. Loads of fun - from players all over the world.

    But, only knock on our door if you're a regular player and enjoy a laugh and some great competition. Seriously, it's worth having a look - tournaments every week plus 6 x Open Tournaments, numerous matchplays, league tables, World Cup and Ryder / Walker Cup. And 'we' (the Rest of the World team) are the current Ryder Cup champs! 

    Oh, and there's the Friday Night Beer Club (no prizes for guessing what that's about - maximum fun alt shot games) - and even a UEL League...for the guys and girls  that like doing it on a slope!

    Take a look - you really will love it!


  • UKGolfersElite
    325 Posts
    Tue, Jul 15 2014 3:20 PM


  • alicia18
    31 Posts
    Wed, Jul 16 2014 11:57 AM


    do you have events just for masters 

  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Wed, Jul 16 2014 3:04 PM



    do you have events just for masters 

    I haven't noticed anything specifically for masters (or any tier, for that matter).  There is a lot of inter-CC play though, which will cater to all tiers.

  • stevepsheehan
    2,791 Posts
    Wed, Jul 16 2014 4:17 PM



    do you have events just for masters 

    Hi Alicia.

    No we don't have anything specific for Masters I'm afraid. However, we do have a lot of fun, and we do have a "pairs" comp, where we pair up players of different abilities, and try to get a balanced field; play is "round robin" style, with each pairs scores being added together. EG you might be paired up with me, and we'd battle it out against maybe 14 other pairs over a period of 6/7 weeks

    If you want to give us a try, send me a Friend invite, and I'll give you further details via a PM.


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