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Scott's tips

Mon, Mar 10 2025 9:51 AM (770 replies)
  • ScottHope
    10,704 Posts
    Wed, Feb 8 2017 1:53 PM

    You're very welcome mm. It might be a good idea to send me a copy of the workbook if you run into any problems, as then we'd both be working with the same data for debugging. As long as you're happy with that.

    I'm not totally convinced it'll work if you don't name the ranges, but as I'm not totally convinced I fully understand it either, lol, it's probably a good idea to test things out by playing around with it. Anyway, let me know how you get on.  : )

  • ScottHope
    10,704 Posts
    Thu, Feb 23 2017 2:07 PM
    YouTube Adverts
    I haven't noticed anyone posting about this, but seeing as how it happened to me I thought I'd mention it to help anyone who has the same problem.

    For a couple of weeks I'd been having to put up with adverts playing, before the video I wanted to see, that were unskippable and lasted a minute or longer. I know that isn't a huge amount of time, but some videos I watch are only a few minutes long, so having to sit through an ad of that duration before my chosen video came up, was bit of a pain.

    Apparently, the reason this was happening was because I had my ad block application running whilst on YouTube. After I configured it to not run whilst on the site, the adverts still played, but I could skip them after five seconds to get to the video I wanted, which is much better.

    Thanks for your time.  : )

    13th June 2020 EDIT : Found a little browser extension which, amongst other things, removes the adverts altogether. Enhancer For Youtube
    31st March 2024 EDIT : The above extension doesn't work anymore for skipping adverts due to YouTube's aggressive ad policy, but I am still using it because it has a good video speed control feature.
    For adverts I now use Ad Accelerator which does not block adverts, but detects when they are playing then speeds through them and mutes the audio, which works very well.

    * 7th November 2024 EDIT : The Ad Accelerator mentioned above does not work to my satisfaction anymore, the ads are muted and run through at a fast speed, but when the skip button appears in the lower right corner it is not automatically clicked on for about five seconds, so when ads do appear, there is an annoying period of about 10-30 seconds while the ads play through before the video resumes.
    For this reason I have now installed the browser extension AdGuard. I have only been using this for a short while but I have yet to see any ads on YouTube at all, very pleased with it so far.
  • WigerToods2010
    8,448 Posts
    Thu, Feb 23 2017 2:54 PM

    YouTube Adverts

    Yet another wee helpful gem that'll make things easier for one et al.

    Thanks to you for your time spent helping others, Scott.

  • ScottHope
    10,704 Posts
    Thu, Feb 23 2017 3:22 PM

    Thanks J, and thank you too for the chuckles you create.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Fri, Feb 24 2017 9:46 AM

  • ScottHope
    10,704 Posts
    Fri, Feb 24 2017 10:53 AM

    Looks like the family's popped round to pay their last respects, lol.  : )

  • RoggRR
    648 Posts
    Fri, Apr 14 2017 11:09 AM

    Scott, do u know something about ShoutBox, free typing chat (

    Is it possible to set it as indepenent window (custom size)  and pin it as Top window (over all other windows) ?

  • ScottHope
    10,704 Posts
    Fri, Apr 14 2017 1:11 PM

    I've not heard of ShoutBox before Rogg, but I've just had a look at their website and it looks as though you can customize it, just how much I'm not sure. But it may be possible to keep it above other windows and change the size of it if the CSS is accessible.

  • RoggRR
    648 Posts
    Fri, Apr 14 2017 2:07 PM

    It would be nice to know more about it. Some of my friends use Skype chat or Chatzy, but Shoutbox looks very good too. Having conntact to the other guys durring the game (on gameclient ) is great option.

    My IT knowledge is v limitted, thats why i was asking you. Shoutbox looks like an script that someone can add to his web page. So, you can lock the page where u have chat box, by password (only CC mates can go in and use the chat) . other thing was to make it as separeted window and pin it at the top.

    I dont know if some wgt CCs use it already.

    This might be theme for an other topic, maybe

  • ScottHope
    10,704 Posts
    Fri, Apr 14 2017 2:29 PM

    Hmm, I'm not sure about having more chats going on in the game as well as the normal chat window, I get confused enough as it is, lol. Okay if you're young and quick I suppose.  : )