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Scott's tips

Mon, Mar 10 2025 9:51 AM (770 replies)
  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Fri, May 8 2015 10:08 AM

    and i thought i was doing good when i found the cap unlock button!  Very well done!  my nickle.


  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Fri, May 8 2015 10:11 AM

    And Scott - I failed to thank-you for all the great tips. I really appreciate them.  I understand that the MS Word method may make the post longer in the background - but it is a hell of a lot easier for the "Poster".
    You're welcome hakman. Yes, it sure is easier, but I wouldn't want to try to edit the 'code' afterwards, which is what I often do, so the less of it there is, the better, for me.

    I'm quite happy to be strange different.......& harmless I hasten add.  : )

    Copy and paste to WGT forum test 1.  Failed,  used the "paste from word" icon and the effects showed on the template that popped up but then turned to plain text but bolded here.   I'll try again later...
    I thought it would work for me too hp, but it doesn't, unless I highlight what I want to copy from word, then DRAG it into the forum post box, not copy & paste. Try that, might work.

    Thread Index

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Fri, May 8 2015 11:14 AM


    Don't use any of their icons.  Nothing fancy - just do it as if you were copying something from one document to another in Word.

    Simply highlight the text in Word

    Press    [Cntrl] c    to  copy

    Go to the post window - and place the cursor where you wish to place the text

    Press [Cntrl] v   to paste              Done!

    Neither of those worked.  Tried them before posting here.  Drag and drop worked though.  

    I like Yellow duh!


    ^  Highlight the yellow to see the hidden message.  lol

  • LOLserver
    3,522 Posts
    Fri, May 8 2015 4:24 PM

  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Fri, May 8 2015 4:36 PM
    If you want to make a link look like a button, (here at WGT, not on other websites) you can do it by adding a class attribute to your link.

    My LinkMy LinkMy Link
    Your link, when looking at the HTML will look something like this....

    <a href="" >My Link</a>

    The 'href' is the web address of where you want the link to take you, in the above example, it's Google.

    So, to give it the button styling, just add in the 'class' attribute to the opening <a> tag. The class names for the three button styles are... button_green, button_blue or button_white. You should only add one class name depending on what colour button you want. So for a green button, your link would look like this...

    <a href="" class="button_green">My Link</a>

    href = web address of where you want the link to take you.
    class = the name of the style that is applied to your button.
    My Link = the text in the button in my example.

  • hakman123
    2,119 Posts
    Fri, May 8 2015 10:05 PM

    Neither of those worked.  Tried them before posting here.  Drag and drop worked though.


    I guess it varies depending on what versions and set/up you are running. Cut & Paste works fine for me. But maybe others can Drag & Drop.

    And for Scott - you can directy edit within the post - anything you have imported from Word. If necessary you can import other slices of text you may wish to add. It is still easier than HTML code (for me anyway) - the longer code is not an issue if you makesure to keep your cursor well clear of that little [HTML] icon up there on the top right    lol

    Thx again

    The Hakman

  • LOLserver
    3,522 Posts
    Fri, May 8 2015 11:25 PM


    Aw.....I was looking forward to watching a vid!  : (

    Sry m8, I just couldn't resist : )))

    Great vids with plenty of helpful information Scott. keep it on.


  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Sat, May 9 2015 1:13 AM
    Sry m8, I just couldn't resist : )))  Great vids with plenty of helpful information Scott. keep it on.  Eric
    All good Eric (nice picture edit BTW), thank you.  : )
    It is still easier than HTML code (for me anyway)
    Once you get accustomed to the syntax, it's not too difficult. I never even made it to University so I can't be that smart.
    I thought i was doing good when i found the cap unlock button! Very well done!
    Cheers Lee, doesn't matter what level you're at, an achievement is an achievement. : )


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, May 11 2015 2:27 AM

    <p></p><table style="text-align:center" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="3" border="5" bgcolor="honeydew" width="100%"><colgroup><col width="38%"></col><col width="5%"></col><col width="5%"></col><col width="5%"></col><col width="37%"></col></colgroup><tbody><tr><td bgcolor="aquamarine" colspan="2"><strong>TEAM A</strong><strong></strong></td><td bgcolor="aquamarine"><strong>VS</strong></td><td bgcolor="aquamarine" colspan="2"><strong>TEAM B</strong><strong></strong></td></tr><tr><td align="right"></td><td></td><td>vs</td><td></td><td align="left"></td></tr><tr><td align="right"></td><td></td><td>vs</td><td></td><td align="left"></td></tr><tr><td align="right"></td><td></td><td>vs</td><td></td><td align="left"></td></tr><tr><td align="right"></td><td></td><td>vs</td><td></td><td align="left"></td></tr><tr><td align="right"></td><td></td><td>vs</td><td></td><td align="left"></td></tr><tr><td align="right"></td><td></td><td>vs</td><td></td><td align="left"></td></tr><tr><td align="right"></td><td></td><td>vs</td><td></td><td align="left"></td></tr><tr><td align="right"></td><td></td><td>vs</td><td></td><td align="left"></td></tr><tr><td align="right"></td><td></td><td>vs</td><td></td><td align="left"></td></tr><tr><td align="right"></td><td></td><td>vs</td><td></td><td align="left"></td></tr><tr><td align="right"></td><td></td><td>vs</td><td></td><td align="left"></td></tr><tr><td align="right"></td><td></td><td>vs</td><td></td><td align="left"></td></tr><tr><td align="right"></td><td></td><td>vs</td><td></td><td align="left"></td></tr><tr><td align="right"></td><td></td><td>vs</td><td></td><td align="left"></td></tr><tr><td align="right"></td><td></td><td>vs</td><td></td><td align="left"></td></tr><tr><td align="right"></td><td></td><td>vs</td><td></td><td align="left"></td></tr><tr><td align="right"></td><td></td><td>vs</td><td></td><td align="left"></td></tr><tr><td align="right"></td><td></td><td>vs</td><td></td><td align="left"></td></tr><tr><td align="right"></td><td></td><td>vs</td><td></td><td align="left"></td></tr><tr><td align="right"></td><td></td><td>vs</td><td></td><td align="left"></td></tr><tr><td align="right" bgcolor="aquamarine"><strong>SCORE</strong>&nbsp;</td><td bgcolor="aquamarine"></td><td bgcolor="aquamarine"><strong>—</strong></td><td bgcolor="aquamarine"></td><td align="left" bgcolor="aquamarine">&nbsp;<strong>SCORE</strong></td></tr></tbody></table><p></p>

  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Mon, May 11 2015 2:45 AM