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Scott's tips

Mon, Mar 10 2025 9:51 AM (770 replies)
  • BlackBogey
    659 Posts
    Tue, Feb 20 2024 8:06 PM


    Howdy Scott...

    I have a Surface Pro tablet with Win 11 and have a Auto HotKey script (power bar overlay image over the Shot / Putter Pal that I want to use when I have the WGT app open full screen.  However, when I click on the power bar overlay, the WGT app minimizes to the task bar.   Any ideas why this happening and would you point me in the direction to fix it.  Thanks in advance for your assistance.


    I'm sure Scott will be along with a better solution, but just wanted to jump in and say I use a program called Kuadro to open a transparent meter bar overlay.  It takes a little set up to get the meter exactly how you want it, but once you do you just save it as an image, then use Kuadro to open it whenever you open the game (I actually just leave mine open all the time).  It can be set for "Always on Top" and can be drug around the screen and positioned anywhere you want, and doesn't interfere with any other open windows.

    309 Posts
    Wed, Feb 21 2024 12:03 AM

    in your settings menu select 'window'.

    Then if you want to go full screen use Scotts resizer script to go full. (shift+control/F)

    note: I need to run the resizer in admin mode for this to work.

    works great for me.. 

  • ScottHope
    10,704 Posts
    Wed, Feb 21 2024 12:53 AM

    Thank you gents.  ; )

    Hi Henry,

    I believe the 'collapse to task bar' for the game is how it goes when you run it in fullscreen mode and then try to access another application. One way to stop this happening is to run the game in window mode.

    To get the game to cover the entire screen in window mode you can try my WGT Maximized v2.2.ahk script. It makes the game look like it has been fullscreened using the in-game fullscreen option, but it shows the taskbar so you can access your other programs without the game collapsing.

    When the script is running, if you right click on the AutoHotkey taskbar icon, you'll get three options, 'Maximize', 'Window' and 'Exit', which are pretty self explanatory. 'Exit' closes the game if it is open as well as exiting the script, and when you run the script the game will open, if it is not already so, and switch to 'maximized'. The keyboard shortcuts for these options are CTRL + ALT + M or W or X.


    NOTICE : The linked to script above will only work if you have AutoHotkey already installed. If you want to try the script without having to pre-install AutoHotkey, try this one. WGT Maximized v2.2.exe

    AutoHotkey is for Windows only.

    309 Posts
    Wed, Feb 21 2024 1:54 AM

    my way works the same except you loose the task bar on the primary window. I have two monitors so that is not a problem.

    your way looks to be a better option, as usual ;-)

    thanks Scott



  • ScottHope
    10,704 Posts
    Wed, Feb 21 2024 2:17 AM

    I think I have done too many AHK scripts. They all do roughly the same thing with variations and I am beginning to lose track of their differences.

    Glad you have found one that works for you though Ken.

    Cheers.  ; )

    ⇩ EDIT : Okay Henry. ⇩

  • Zzyzx01
    1,395 Posts
    Wed, Feb 21 2024 6:30 AM

    Thank you Scott (and others) for the quick replies and tips.  I'll give it a go and report back.


  • conveyorguy
    787 Posts
    Thu, Apr 11 2024 5:51 PM

    any ideas what this "parse error bs is "

    TY in advance

    309 Posts
    Thu, Apr 11 2024 6:30 PM

    "The parse error usually occurs when you try to install or run a third-party app. The message itself isn't very specific, and there are a lot of problems that can cause it. The main takeaway is that your phone experienced a problem when trying to install the app, and so the installation wasn't completed."

  • SamSpayed
    5,075 Posts
    Fri, Apr 12 2024 12:26 PM

    any ideas what this "parse error bs is "


  • delimgr236
    2 Posts
    Sat, Aug 3 2024 10:18 AM

    Hi Scott,


    After a wgt update a few days ago wgt doesn't load anymore.  It is stuck on the "internet connection " screen.

    I've tried many different things.  I deleted the game and the registry, reinstalled and same.  I hit the maximize in task manager on golf.exe.  I disabled windows defender and firewall.  Could you please help me out.


    I followed your reset, uninstall, posts.