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Thu, Jul 17 2014 2:38 PM (197 replies)
  • bluey403
    1,533 Posts
    Tue, Jul 1 2014 1:15 AM

    Good luck to every one that has qualified, I got stuck on 58 but wishin all good luck.


  • PTrenter
    438 Posts
    Tue, Jul 1 2014 1:29 AM

    I got a 57 but getting 'you did not qualify for this tournament'

  • stevenharkin
    1,921 Posts
    Tue, Jul 1 2014 1:31 AM

    I got a 57 but getting 'you did not qualify for this tournament'


    same as..


    unless there was a late flurry of 56's I'm guessing its just some form of admin error...theres always something ! :)

  • PTrenter
    438 Posts
    Tue, Jul 1 2014 1:34 AM

    It's the top 156 scores and ties. We were tied 103 so should be in.

  • suncity28
    1,266 Posts
    Tue, Jul 1 2014 1:40 AM

    Ill clear some info up:


    Last year & the year before. For the first 1 or 2 hours it will tell every1 they did not make the cut. Until WGT checks all the scores and give access to the players who did make the cut and not give access to the players who did not make the cut.

    Cut line "57"

    All players who made the cut will be able to play soon/ give it a couple of hours.

    She`ll be right 






  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Tue, Jul 1 2014 1:46 AM


    let's give it a few hours:)


  • derekortt
    683 Posts
    Tue, Jul 1 2014 2:25 AM

    also qualified with a 57. But I dont want to play R1 today. I reach L94 likely tomorrow. I want the R11S before playing

  • Foresight0311
    1,212 Posts
    Tue, Jul 1 2014 2:38 AM

    I reckon there are ~ 150 players on 57, taking up spot #103, and ties, on the Virtual US Open qualifying leaderboard.  It also implies that 250+ players finally made the cut.   However, as the leaderboard is only spread over 5 pages, and because of my rather lacklustre finish, I am probably on page 6 despite the 57 I shot on 22 June.

    When I tried to sort the names of qualifiers on the basis of the CC name, it did not show my name along with the other CC qualifiers!  

    Also, when I tried to sign-up/tee-off the Virtual US Open tourney that has gone live today, it showed, "The tournament is now over"!  So, I logged out.

    I logged-in again, moment ago.  It now states, "You did not qualify for the tournament"

    Is it being implied that I did not qualify despite the 57, because I am on page #6 of the leaderboard?  It is extremely surprising.  I hope WGT can sort this out soon...


  • suncity28
    1,266 Posts
    Tue, Jul 1 2014 3:00 AM


    I reckon there are ~ 150 players on 57, taking up spot #103, and ties, on the Virtual US Open qualifying leaderboard.  It also implies that 250+ players finally made the cut.   However, as the leaderboard is only spread over 5 pages, and because of my rather lacklustre finish, I am probably on page 6 despite the 57 I shot on 22 June.

    When I tried to sort the names of qualifiers on the basis of the CC name, it did not show my name along with the other CC qualifiers!  

    Also, when I tried to sign-up/tee-off the Virtual US Open tourney that has gone live today, it showed, "The tournament is now over"!  So, I logged out.

    I logged-in again, moment ago.  It now states, "You did not qualify for the tournament"

    Is it being implied that I did not qualify despite the 57, because I am on page #6 of the leaderboard?  It is extremely surprising.  I hope WGT can sort this out soon...



    Read my comment above and WGTicons comment below it.

    All the answers to your questions are in those two posts

  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Tue, Jul 1 2014 3:06 AM

    The first round is now open for play ... check your gameclient ... :-)