WGTicon:a thankless job isn't it?:)
Please don't think the ready go list was not appreciated, as i'm not having a go at any one, i enjoy the ready go's each month what ever they are, just pointing out that there are too many identical ones, so we could swap them for a course that is not listed.
But i will make a list too just to add to the collection, the more ideas you have the easier it is to make a list each month. I'll start off with just tierless ready go's because i dont know how many of the other tier ready go's is needed
Also at present there is 10 tour legend ready go's. half of these would be more than plenty as no one really plays them because they just take too long to fill.
Here's a Ready go list all EVEN LIES:
Best of par 4's full 18 = $10, (moderate winds) Champ/tournament greens
Best of Famous 18 = $7, Moderate winds, Champ/tournament greens
Cabo 18 holes = $5, Pro tees, high winds, tournament greens
St Andrews 18 holes = $5, Moderate winds, Standard GREENS
Kiawah 18 holes = $4 master tees, high winds, champ greens
Olympic 18 holes = $3, High Winds, v.fast greens
Best of hardest 18 holes = $3, low winds, tournament greens
18 holes = $3, master tee,s moderate winds, v.fast greens
Congressional 18 holes = $2 , Moderate winds, standard greens
Bethpage Black 18 holes = $2, High winds, champ greens
Merion 18 holes = $2, Moderate winds Tournament greens
Best of par 5 18 holes = $1 Moderate winds
oakmont, front 9 = 50c low winds, v.fast greens
Oakmont back 9 = $2 high winds, slow greens
Best of par 3's front 9 = $2 High winds, tournament greens
RSG 18 holes = 50c, moderate winds , fast greens
Best of par 3's back 9 = $1 low winds, champ greens
Whistler back = $1, moderate winds, v.slow greens
Best of famous back = $1, low winds, tournament greens
I think i have a bit of every course covered