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Single play tiered U.S. Open

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jul 4 2014 9:43 AM (5 replies)
    567 Posts
    Fri, Jul 4 2014 7:06 AM

    I was wondering if I missed the single play tiered U.S. Open tournaments we used to do every year. Did WGT get rid of these or what? I really believe we need more of these types of tournaments. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of us do not have the time and money to compete in all of these unlimited tourneys that seem to be the norm anymore. I believe all the unlimited tourneys are really deterring a lot of us. I know it's for WGT to make more money but do think it is hurting the product. Would love some feedback from you all think.


    Thanks, Kyle

  • lickspittle
    90 Posts
    Fri, Jul 4 2014 8:54 AM

    I think you are mistaken Kyle. I joined four years ago and I'm pretty sure it's always been unlimited qualifying with everyone playing from the back tees. As you say it's money for WGT so can't see it changing radically.


    567 Posts
    Fri, Jul 4 2014 9:03 AM

    I just looked it up because i came in 2nd place. It was the virtual nation U.S. Open tiered tournament. It was in 2012 when olympic club was new. Wish I knew how to show it but im computer illiterate. LOL. Not sure if they did it last year or not. Oh well...... Thanks for the reply anyway.

    567 Posts
    Fri, Jul 4 2014 9:06 AM

    I do know that the actual qualifier was always unlimited but this was something different.

    567 Posts
    Fri, Jul 4 2014 9:14 AM

    You can look up, Virtual U.S. Open Leaderboard? in the forums to see what i'm talking about.

  • lickspittle
    90 Posts
    Fri, Jul 4 2014 9:43 AM

    I stand corrected, there was a tiered tournament & I also played in it, my memory's not what it was.
