the workings behind the scenes at a bowling alley
Pin re-set machine
Clearing dining table after dinner.
To empty shopping from a bag .
Must be close , scott is trying to put me off .
My day 2 guess is you're playing pool. That metallic or glass type clanking may just be the distorted sound of the break. I think you hit the cue ball once and banked it back, placed it where you wanted, and then broke.
(maybe while drinking a Scotch on the rocks, lol but that has to be a pool or billiard table)
craigswan:Must be close, scott is trying to put me off.
Here is my guess fore day 3 , Even if not to guess !
Its the sound of the gears turning in WGT land ,
Twoo be more Speicilaidiys icty ,
Its Chad going into the controll room , He is " Flipping " said switch on VEM .
Sorting out garbage into different piles .
My day three guess is you either putting in or taking out golf clubs from your golf bag .
Putting away garden tools in to shed then locking it