I've recently started playing and I'm at Level 30. I feel I need to improve my equipment, especially my putter but don't know where to start. So I'd like to ask the pros how can I improve my game the most, equipment wise, within my budget.
I would suggest that you wait a while longer . You want your upgrades to last as long as possible . The better gear with clubs , starts around level 40 for wedges , and varies along the way . Right now just be content on learning the game , and the courses .
Take your time and work on course management and ball placement . The sales reps will tell you to go buy the most expensive clubs in the game . Right now you dont need to do that . Once you move back to the Master & Tour Master tees , then will be the time for the real serious upgrades .
If you feel that you need a good putter then by all means get one . A good putter will have a good amount of balance , precision , and forgiveness . You will also want to take meter speed into account as well . The slower the better when it comes to putting Also when putting do you move the marker and play the ding , or do you miss the ding when putting ? For missing the ding you want a lot of forgiveness , and for playing the ding , a lot of precision .
When you start to upgrade your wedges , you will want to start with your pitching wedge and work backward . Space your wedges out 15 - 20 yards apart . When picking your clubs , try to keep your meter speeds as close as possible . A consistent meter makes for a smoother meter and its easier to hit the ding as well .
When choosing balls , you will also have to take spin into consideration . If your clubs have a lot of spin , you can get a ball with less spin . This to will also depend on the courses that you play on as well . But for the most part , it is best to get 1 ball and stick with it . That way you learn your clubs and distances , and you will know exactly what you can and can not do .
So here you go , some insight to help you with your game . Sorry , as I wasnt trying to write you a book .Other players will help you as well , and they too will touch on what Ive either said or didnt say . But as you can see , there is a lot too learn . Hope this helps and good luck with your game . Oh and use the search box >.>>>> and you will find many of your questions have already been answered . Take care and good luck with your game . :-)