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Sat, Jul 12 2014 2:27 AM (2 replies)
  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Jul 11 2014 6:09 PM

    No it's not where we can all go and have a dance to some great

    With the problem we have with people Disconnecting in Multi player games.

    I think Wgt should increase the Timer back to 5 mins, instead of the stupid 3 mins we have now.

    Yes I know the timer was shortened due to popular demand,  I wish i knew who was recommending that at the time of change...  they needed a good   and most of us a suffering because of it.

    My old Puter I had I was running on Vapours... one slight glitch and the game would disconnect.

    So I stopped playing the Multi player games because it took me close to 5mins to get back. Now it's no probs...  My new Puter hasn't disco'd yet...  just seeing others gone and destroying a good game.  Most of the time they will get back...looking at the friends list just after the timer runs out.

    5 minute timer Please.


    oops had to edit the spelling of my   Typing in the dark is not good for the

  • TuckerPrestonJr
    1,380 Posts
    Fri, Jul 11 2014 7:33 PM


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Jul 12 2014 2:27 AM



    Due to public opinion the time was changed from 5mins down to 3mins, 

    I was thinking at the time they changed it and having a dud puter running on fumes... bad mistake and did write a few comments about it too at the time

    Now I have a new puter and no more disconnects at my end and all I see in the forums is complaining about all the disco's. I must admit there is a certain few that would disco a game...  but most of us try to get back....  but the time is just too short.

    Maybe Wgt should listen to the people in the trenches and not always listen to a minority.