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Not sure this belongs here but....(Rant)

rated by 0 users
Sun, Jul 20 2014 4:15 PM (8 replies)
  • mikeg0506
    1,482 Posts
    Sat, Jul 19 2014 8:07 AM

    I think I'm finally going to give up with WGT messing with EVERY shot.  The results I'm getting are not anywhere NEAR in the neighborhood of possibility.  I can understand some randomness....but it is a physical impossibility for a ball to slice 15 yards into a 30 mph right to left matter HOW badly you hit the shot.

    I've hit 9 irons 130 into a 20 mph  headwind, and 105 with 20 mph tailwind.  Such drastic differences are NOT in the realm of possibility.

    I just hope they realize they are ruining what could be a GREAT game....and making it just a good game where cheaters are the only one who can benefit.  But I won't hold my breath waiting for them to come to that realization.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Sat, Jul 19 2014 9:51 AM


    I've hit 9 irons 130 into a 20 mph  headwind, and 105 with 20 mph tailwind.  Such drastic differences are NOT in the realm of possibility.

    I guess you don't see the failed logic. If it happened to you, it is indeed possible.

    Based on my 28 months of experience (16 months as a Legend tier player) I find the game very consistent.


  • mikeg0506
    1,482 Posts
    Sat, Jul 19 2014 7:40 PM

    It is only possible in the realm of THIS game.  I've been a golfer for 48 years, and those results aren't possible in the real world.


  • TopShelf2010
    10,975 Posts
    Sun, Jul 20 2014 2:43 AM


  • suncity28
    1,266 Posts
    Sun, Jul 20 2014 2:55 AM

    Based on my 28 months of experience (16 months as a Legend tier player) I find the game very consistent.


    Never really had to many issues.

  • nanstar
    4,914 Posts
    Sun, Jul 20 2014 3:20 AM

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Jul 20 2014 3:33 AM

    Congratulations on making Legend 4 days ago...

    Explains the rant.

  • PBaldwin
    108 Posts
    Sun, Jul 20 2014 6:07 AM

    The inconsistency is not that bad and is a major exaggeration.  Instead of blaming the game work on figuring out why it happened.  Sure, some weird shots happen sometimes, but not that often.  A lot of times it could be wrong club selection or the wrong calculation.  The spin you use on a ball makes a huge difference in different winds.

    Take a 9 iron with that 20 mph head wind and don't touch the backspin.  It will slice through the wind fairly well.  Now add full back spin and it can backspin on landing and play 10 yards shorter.

  • KissMyDivot
    626 Posts
    Sun, Jul 20 2014 4:15 PM

    It is only possible in the realm of THIS game.  I've been a golfer for 48 years, and those results aren't possible in the real world.


    "THIS game"..........."real world"...See the difference?  Are you seriously complaining that a web based simulation game doesn't act precisely how you say it should with every single shot, and that in real golf the ball goes exactly where you want it to every time?


    If you are then we should be seeing you on TV playing in the PGA.  I'm sorry but your argument is nothing short of a childish rant about a game....a game..not "real world"


    Judging by your stats, you have done pretty well so dry yer eyes and have fun or quit.