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"Legend" balls

Tue, Jul 29 2014 7:24 PM (10 replies)
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  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Sat, Jul 26 2014 10:13 AM

    I sometimes window-shop at the Pro Shop, usually in the balls section, and when I see balls that are restricted to the Legend tier, they're...really not that good, comparatively speaking.  Take 2 balls, for example:

    This is the WGT GI2-SD2 ball.  It requires level 30, but also legend tier.  It has 3.0 for distance, 2.0 for spin, 2.0 for meter speed, and a paltry 1.5 durability.  They are 155 a sleeve.

    Now let's compare to the Cally Hex Chrome, one of the more popular balls here:

    It requires a paltry 3 more levels - negligible at that low level.  It has identical distance, but a 3.5 for spin (1.5 more) and 2.5 for meter speed (a little better than the GI2).  It's 250 credits, but has a 2.5 durability.  On a credit-per-swing basis, it's actually [very slightly] better than the GI2, but has no tier requirement - yet is noticeably worse.

    Also for a side point, shouldn't equal WGT balls be cheaper than licensed gear from other companies?  For instance, would you buy Walmart brand ketchup if it was the same price as Heinz, or Sam's Club cola over Coke, all things equal?  Not trying to compare WGT to Walmart, but just making a point.

    Finally, let's compare the 33 Cally to another Cally Hex Chrome.  There's another HC that requires level 43, but also Legend status - ten levels higher, and a high tier.  How do they compare?  Identical spin (3.5) and meter (2.5).  The Legend HC has a whopping .5 more distance (3.5 over 3.0), but is also 20% LESS durable (2.0 over the 33 HC's dura rating of 2.5).

    Anyway, it's just something I wanted to get off my mind.  Have a nice day.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Jul 26 2014 10:38 AM
    Old stock I guess. Things get superseded.
  • fitzroy1965
    337 Posts
    Sat, Jul 26 2014 4:44 PM

    agree with you,for what you get the wgt balls should be much cheaper,esp. with the very shot ball life.

  • ScottHope
    10,646 Posts
    Sun, Jul 27 2014 5:28 AM

    Can we get a discount on the squashed ones?  

  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Sun, Jul 27 2014 10:05 AM


    Can we get a discount on the squashed ones?  

    1,141 Posts
    Sun, Jul 27 2014 10:25 AM

    i herd thru a vent in locker room..pretty sure it was,,,, .Mr. WGT ,,, tellin ...icon ..

    there's less V.E.M ... on WGT balls .....


  • tawney222
    23 Posts
    Tue, Jul 29 2014 11:25 AM

    they are pretty consistant


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