WigerToods2010:How hard would it be for WGT to implement the following?
I do not have the answer to that question. We all have seen WGT introduce more bugs and glitches when adding things that are not needed.
'Not needed' is merely an opinion of yours - one I just happen to totally disagree with.
ZioMio:Then why are you worried about using/losing that last ball in a round? Once it is gone, there is no need for a Hits Meter.
Worried? Moi?..... don't recall posting being worried about anything.
Can't fathom why 'worry' comes into your thinking regarding an online game - it's all about fun for me. Each to their own I suppose.
ZioMio:Would you go into a important round with a ball you don't normally use or just one ball for that matter?
Nope & nope again (If I'm using my preferred choice).
ZioMio:You can quit any round instead of continuing with the free ball. That is also an option if you do not want to buy.
Wow! Over 4 years on here and I've never known that option existed..............
Why quit? If for any reason I'm playing a round and didn't purchase more of my favourite flavour before teeing off I'd simply keep an eye on the 'hits remaining' meter, should it turn red all that's required is for me to close the game client, open it again, hit 'continue' and by default up pops the 'This is your last ball blah blah blah' prompt. If I'm using a freebie, and it's the last of it's kind, then I've already decided that I'm quite happy to play the round out with rocks.
To clarify; I'd like to know as fast as possible - before I play a round - of all the freebies in my bag that have only one left which one has the most 'life' remaining.
Wee question for ya :
All the following are in my/your bag. All have the exact same attributes. There is only one remaining of each..... they are all WGT freebies.
Brand 'x' ball
Brand 'y' ball
Brand 'z' ball
How do I/you know which one has the most chance of seeing out my/your round?
Btw absolutely nothing personal I just can't fathom why, other than the bugs/ glitches reason, you would be so against WGT allowing us to see the life left in same attribute balls when there is only one of each different type remaining.