Since its not totally clarified how to use the method, here is how I understand it. And tell me if I'm wrong.
Lets say windspeed is 10. Wind is from 11 o'clock. Distance is 100.
Here you have to know rules of wind. Mine is 1 feet movement pr 1 mph wind pr 100 yard distance coming straight from the side. This goes for 100 yard shots. You also need to know that the factor decreases on longer distances so if distance is 200 factor is not 1 but around 0,8-0,9.
So in this instance I would resize the clock to the windspeed. That means I would place the middle of the clock in the hole (or just outside if the green is slopy) and the edge of the clock 10 feet from the hole (the edge of the pitchview-grid). Then rotate the clock so the second hand faces the wind.
From there I would I would put my aim-marker at the end of the second hand.
Windspeed and distance dictates clock size
Havent tried this method but it looks like a good method.