WGTadmin: Try not berating a forum mod when all they are here to do is help. Your post did nothing to help this player or move the conversation forward. From the words of most mothers, "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
Gee someone is a tad over-sensitive today.
In the past often the Mods have been nowhere to be found, with no comment at all, or it would be in some cases days after the question was asked.
So in turn it is usually the players that give advice and remedies for fellow players.Alosso has helped numerous players over the years I have been here - more so than most of the Mods here.
The difference is the Moderators are paid to do this, and the players pay to play the game. Simple fact is the reply from Typhoon was somewhat ambiguous - yes instructions how to screenshot, but then what? I will criticize a Mod where they in my opinion, are wrong, give poor advice or simply avoid a direct answer.
As a moderator you have to assume the player has little knowledge, so detail your reply. Now I know your job is not easy and are in a position that you will never please everyone, but that comes with the territory, like it or not.
As for your quoted saying, this is true, many people have been told this including myself. But to me this shows a lack of intelligence, in fact a lack of personality where you are too concerned that you may upset someone in this era of political correctness.
I would rather people speak their mind, dissect what they say and perhaps even learn from it, or at least have a counter argument.
By saying nothing we breed subservient people not capable of making decisions - all followers and no leaders.
Edit: I do have some knowledge of being a Mod - I used to do some part time Mod work on an aviation website when I was in the industry.
And a note to WGTAdmin and All WGT Mods - remember respect is earned.