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Better Putting stats PLEASE

Thu, Jul 31 2014 1:14 PM (6 replies)
  • KenZarley
    14 Posts
    Tue, Jul 29 2014 7:06 PM

    Dear WGT

    How good a putter is some combination of distance control and green reading. A lot of the stats available in the game really help to track our progress, but just don't get at either of those two numbers.  

    The One putt percentage is a combination of how close the approach shot is and is a combined from the beginning of time. some people even practice putting and intentionally miss puts to work on distance control.

    If you add the one putt percentage and the two putt percentage does not get at the "How good a putter you are" either. Weighting the difficulty of the courses and the putting greens could also be incorporated. 

    One stat not listed in player profile is AVG distance to hole after 1 putt. Raw and Weighted for difficulty of green.

    Another is a at what distance do you sink 50% of your putts.  You already post what percentage of  for different ranges of length of putt.  Weighted for difficulty of green.

    The calculus (and I mean high school Integration Area under the curve math)  for these numbers is relatively straight forward.  

     Wouldn't it be nice to be able to combine the stats to produce "Rankings",  Then you would see a whole new element to the competition. Competing against ourselves, our friends and the world.  

    And a request to include in the computation of all statistics only the last 200 ranked rounds.

    Thank you



  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Thu, Jul 31 2014 10:02 AM

    Ken (and one thing for WGT as well): 

    The putting page needs some work, but I can understand that it would not be a high priority for WGT. For example, let’s look at the info provided (this is mine this morning):

    Longest Putt Made 108 Ft.

    Pretty straightforward and is nice to see as it is a distant memory - lol.

    Putting Avg. Per Hole 1.62

     Nice to have and a good statistic for WGT to keep, does show your improvement over time but the more rounds a person plays the slower it changes and therefore cannot be used in any linear analysis.

    Putting Avg. Per Round 14.85

    This is a totally meaningless statistic in my mind as 9 hole rounds are treated the same as an 18 hole round. So what does this statistic tell you – absolutely nothing - my 9 hole round average number of putts is approximately 14.58 (9 * 1.62) and 18 hole rounds is approximately 21.96 (18 * 1.62) so really all it tells anyone is that I do not play a lot of 18 hole rounds but you can look at my awards page and see that…

    One Putt % 41.38%

    Two Putt % 53.32%

    Three Putts or More % 5.29%

    This is the only really useful statistic on the page, if you work out the numbers behind the statistic, as once again just because the 1 putt percentage is going up slower does not mean your putting has gotten worse – rather the denominator is just getting larger. The way I understand this statistic is that the percentage is calculated based on the number of putting opportunities (number of greens you have been on).

    As a confirmed statistics freak I track a lot of info. Whenever I purchase a new club, or change tiers or play 100 rounds I save every statistic WGT provides (well 90% anyway). I also keep those statistics current after every few rounds.

    Due to the fact that I save my stats frequently, I can discover how I am doing lately with a few calculations with the numbers provided. This is one good example of just that, I add the number of Eagles, Birdies, Pars, Bogeys, Doubles and other then subtract holed shots. That gives me the number of greens I have had to putt on. For me, I have been on 6,157 greens. From that I multiple the percentages and determine the raw number of 1 putts, 2 putts and 3 putts. Subtract that from the raw number from when I turned Legend and I have an automatic calculation of how I have done since becoming Legend (57.43% one putt, 41.39% two putt and 0.60% three putts). This is especially helpful when buying a new putter to see if it really is helping you.  

    PS – I have a spreadsheet do all the number crunching for me.    

    % Putts Made from 0 - 5 Feet 45.23%

    % Putts Made from 5 - 10 Feet 9.84%

    % Putts Made from 10 -25 Feet 5.59%

    % Putts Made from 25 - 50 Feet 0.63%

    % Putts Made from 50+ Feet 0.13%

    These are totally useless statistics in my opinion. Look at my first one – percentage of putts made 0-5 feet 45.23% - the question is 45.23% of WHAT? Not total putts for sure because it would be way higher with all of my second putt tap ins. Is it 45.23% of the number of greens I have been on so I can again calculate the raw number and then try to do something with it? I (fortunately) do not get chances to try a 50+ foot putt, but I have noticed the % goes down even though no new attempts have been made so the denominator must be increasing.   

    I would love WGT to tell us what the numerator and the denominator is for these statistics and if they have but I just have not seen it – sorry.

    The better statistic here would be:  Percentage of first putts made when range is 0 – 5 feet, etc.   To a certain extent this gets to Ken’s point of where is the 50% line (albeit in a range rather than a specific distance).

    I would prefer not to have Percentage of all putts made when the range is 0 - 5 feet, etc. (even though that would add up to 100% J )

    Total Putts 10,024

    Woo Hoo another meaningless but easily retrieved statistic.


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Jul 31 2014 10:35 AM

    No harm asking.

    As it stands we can't even get par 3 / 5 / UELs out of the main stats so would not be getting excited.  

  • Jerm65
    1,413 Posts
    Thu, Jul 31 2014 10:52 AM

    the question is 45.23% of WHAT?

    Of all the putts you've ever faced. 

    It doesn't matter if it's your first, second, or tenth putt....if it's from 0-5 feet, and you make's included in that 45.23%.

    In other words, out of your 10,024 total've sunk 4,534 of them that were between 0 and 5 feet in length.

    As for its relevance and significance?  I'll have to defer to Icon or Shoe on that one...  ;-)

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Jul 31 2014 10:56 AM

    The fact making these stats useless in the first place is their "WGT lifetime" character.

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Thu, Jul 31 2014 11:27 AM



    I have calculated that before and I admit it is a good cross check for showing how many greens I have been on but there is an easier way as outlined above. I have indeed sunk 4,534 putts from that distance and 13 from 50+ feet.

    When I said "of what" and "cannot be total putts" I meant total putts from that range being what drives the %.  Almost 100% of my two putt holes are from that range and all of my ever shrinking 3 putt holes are definitely in this range....

    So, to WGT: knowing I have sunk 13 putts from 50+ feet (after some multiplication) without having tracked with pen and paper from the first day I joined how many 50+ foot putts I have attempted - what do I do with this information?  The stat could just as easily say:  Putts sunk from 50+ feet = 13 and we would not have to do the math. :-)

    WGT could even set up an award based on number of putts sunk from that range !!!




  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, Jul 31 2014 1:14 PM

    It seems to me, that most of the stats mean very little considering they represent everything from 'birth'. Just a couple of examples are ave driving dist, ave dist to pin & ave putts per hole. As for the ave dist to pin, I would be thrilled if it were expressed as it is in CTTH's per hole. After years of play, these stats move at a slow snail-pace.