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congradulations US Open back nine winner?

Wed, Aug 20 2014 1:31 PM (30 replies)
  • bigdogsppe
    321 Posts
    Fri, Aug 1 2014 7:22 AM

    Virtual U.S. Open Championship: poldimaier (Germany) - Aphrodite country club

    Virtual U.S. Open Front 9 Winner: dansamcam (USA) - Aphrodite country club

    Virtual U.S. Open Back 9 Winner: ESTIENNE (South Africa) - League of Legends country club

    U.S. Open Week Event Winner: TigerWoo (USA) - East Coast country club

    U.S. Women's Open Event Winner: fmagnets (UK) - Wooden Tee country club


    Come on WGT! step up to the plate and do the right thing..Estienne won the back nine contest and receives nothing as a prize? The advertisement for this contest clearly stated "open to residents of all countries". We know now South Africa has some law that prevents it's players from receiving prizes, but we also know they receive credits just fine for instances ready go's, weekly and monthly tourneys etc etc... The equivalent credit prize to a 500 gift card is 50,000 credits> FFS pay your loyal player what he won.

    Estienne is a teammate and a good friend of mine . I personally know how much time and how many sleeves of balls he spent trying to win that contest. I can tell you thus, you have a lot of players from South Africa and they are all watching to seem if you do the right thing. Restore our faith in WGT and do the right thing!

  • tordragon
    26 Posts
    Fri, Aug 1 2014 7:30 AM

    I am suprised that there is not at least a bit of common sense applied in situations like this. 


    The guy obviously used credits (balls) shooting such a good score, should be rewarded with credits in these circumstances?


    I know I have tried entering some tournaments and it has stated  I am not eligible.  Why is it not the case for the V OPEN too?


    Whatever the prize was due to give out, surely Credits to the same value, would be a nice touch.


  • willemadriaan
    304 Posts
    Fri, Aug 1 2014 9:33 AM

    Hi WGT,.Regarding Estienne,

    I agree with bigdog,.what you guys are doing is just wrong,cmon now,do the right thing here,Estienne spend a lot of money here ,we in South  Africa is watching your ethics,.

    hope you guys will come to the party,.cheers WillemAdriaan(Riaan)

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Fri, Aug 1 2014 9:36 AM

    U.S. Open Week Event Winner: TigerWoo
    U.S. Open Back 9 Winner: ESTIENNE
    Virtual U.S. Open Front 9 Winner: dansamcam
    Virtual U.S. Open Championship: poldimaier

    Kudos to all of these fine Gentleman !

    And a Special nod to a somewhat hinky scenario

    Women's Open Event Winner: fmagnets


    Great Play !!

  • russellfahey
    4,286 Posts
    Fri, Aug 1 2014 9:49 AM

    I echo those sentiments Doyce,Estienne is a fine player and fine Gentleman,as i've had the pleasure of guilding with him.

     Obviously there must of been some restrictions just for this Tournament,as like you said he is eligible to win RG'S,bracket Tournaments and monthly Tournaments.It's just a kick in the teeth to do your best and beat Dansamcan(which is hard enough to do anyway) Only to find your efforts have been fruitless!! I take it the person who came runner up was gifted the $500 gift card then?.

     Please WGT can you come to some sort of compromise and reward Estienne for his efforts,just as a token of good faith.

     It's like a friend of mine Sebicu,i asked him if he was going to go all out and try win this years VUSO,to which he replied '' No point as Romanian players aren't eligible to win the big prize'' So at least he knew from the get go that he wasn't eligible.Which doesn't seem the case for Estienne,as he thought he was eligible.



  • anothernewkid
    511 Posts
    Sun, Aug 3 2014 12:54 AM

    It is with the utmost of concern that I learned that WGT is not prepared to pay the prize for winning a tournament to  ESTIENNE. As a fellow south african and a friend of ESTIENNE I find it very worrying that we are filling the coffers of WGT as much as all the other players in the world,and yet we are not entitled to the rewards of hard work and long time loyalty to the game.

  • bigdogsppe
    321 Posts
    Tue, Aug 5 2014 11:44 AM

    After congratulating Estienne for his victory by email, I see WGT has now added a disclaimer about eligible counties to their advertisements. Here is a good idea lets offer a credit equivalent to all the players in countries not eligible. You certainly spend the money they pay for equipment and balls. AS OF 08.05/14 NO ONE FROM WGT HAS CONTACTED THE WINNER ESTIENNE TO OVER A FAIR SOLUTION .

  • stevietwotimes
    1,327 Posts
    Tue, Aug 5 2014 12:27 PM

    come on WGT fairs fair, pay the man...

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Tue, Aug 5 2014 12:56 PM

    prob just needs to be verified? grabbing at straws as i notice 3 of those listed aren't.  dunno

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Tue, Aug 5 2014 3:14 PM

    I agree, he should be compensated.


    WGT needs to put some sorta message up, when an uneligble players enters a tourney...something like :


    You can enter and play, but are not eligble to win a prize".

    This way the player knows right off the bat he/she is just playing for pride, and not wasting time/balls to win something he/she can not have anyways.