..seam like ..even tho they lower'd pay out on alot of em...there is alot.. ..
i dedicate an hour to em..every morn..or B4 .. i play.. on weekday's.. don't messs with em on weekends usally..
buddy does same we blab on yahoo at same time.. .. sometimes he hits an i don't...sometimes i hit an he does not... but .. by stay'n at it...we both have a nest egg,,,and can buy whatever we want,,,plus,, play really nice balls...
we laff,,, an just see how many .. 5 credit fails we can get... its almost funny....we get miffed when one have to do the dang thing... lol .. my buddy does em WHILE HE PLAYS !! .. he's Mr. multi tasker tho.,,,,, i have to focus just so i wont miss my turn...:)_~~
i just think ..its like when ya on that 1st tee box.... yer fresh positive attitude...ya will hit...
....if wait till after ya done play'd...5 or 6 ...patience wore thin...half pist.,,,.wife needs ya to empty trash,...,dog wants to go out,,,lawn needs mow'd...and,,, yer OUTA,, then decide to go try survey's .... get rejected an quit try'n after 2 attempts...
well.... its gunna be a long row to hoe ....
peace ...