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Help with Equipment Purchase

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Mon, Aug 4 2014 4:36 AM (5 replies)
  • JeffreyLevesque
    4 Posts
    Sat, Aug 2 2014 7:36 PM


    I tried to purchase the limited time Max  offer for new players.

    It was listed for 1,999 credits, so I added 2000 to my account.

    When I clicked purchase, I was expecting to "pay" with credits, but it was asking for credit card info, so I went ahead and made the purchase of 1,999 credits.

    Now, I have 3,999 credits in my account, no new equipment and the offer expires in 10 hours.

    Some guidance would be appreciated.



  • Tiberius12
    253 Posts
    Sun, Aug 3 2014 7:49 PM

    I'm not sure if you figured it out yet. It looks like you have purchased equipment though. I would recommend, however, that you wait to upgrade your equipment any further for a while. At this stage, you will be advancing levels rapidly with some good equipment to go with that. Wait a few weeks, and play every day to get your daily points. Have fun

  • Tiberius12
    253 Posts
    Sun, Aug 3 2014 8:05 PM

    One more thing, those Max Meter Balls you have are really expensive. If you want a slow meter ball, I would recommend switching to the Callaway Slow Meter ball (hack+) It's not quite as slow as the Max, but close enough. It's better in all other areas though, and way cheaper. Honestly though, you should be using the WGT starter balls, or the WGT balls that only cost 64 credits. When you do get to level 33, the Level 33 Callaways are a great ball that you can play for the rest of your career here at WGT.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Aug 3 2014 8:25 PM

    Well I see you have managed to buy new equipment, which is good.

    But a couple of pointers for next time - ask the forum before upgrading - you will benefit from our experience - good and bad!

    Max Balls - slow meter, poor attributes and very expensive. At your level there is no need for a ball so expensive. I used the starters for yonks, and finally started using the Tour SD at Masters Tier.

    You will get used to the speed of the meter, but using a slow meter ball now is not a good way to go,  plus you will lose some in learning the game - and that will hurt lol.

  • JeffreyLevesque
    4 Posts
    Mon, Aug 4 2014 4:36 AM

    Thanks to both of you!

    Once the special offer expired, I figured that I should just go ahead and upgrade since I had the credits in there.

    I went into "scramble mode" because of the deadline but will be sure to use the community in the future,

  • JeffreyLevesque
    4 Posts
    Mon, Aug 4 2014 4:39 AM

    Thank you,


    I used the Callaway balls prior to the Max and liked them very much.  I'll be switching back to them as soon as the Max balls are gone

    Level 33 here I come! ;-)