been playing almost 2 years.. but now can not get the game to load .. after u hit the .. PLAY NOW button.. only loads up to 59% will not load all the way to 100% just started happening couple of days ago.. any suggestions. ???
@dono1127: Have you tried to clear the Flash cache? Usually when the game does not load properly after hitting the Play Now button, it is best to clear the Flash cache. Also, what browser are you using and have you tried using a different one?
it might help to uninstall flash and re-install it.
dono1127: been playing almost 2 years.. but now can not get the game to load .. after u hit the .. PLAY NOW button.. only loads up to 59% will not load all the way to 100% just started happening couple of days ago.. any suggestions. ???
try to right click where the 52 is and uncheck the loop had that happen to me and that worked