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Did wgt change the physics of the hole?

Mon, Aug 11 2014 5:17 AM (33 replies)
  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Tue, Aug 5 2014 6:01 PM

    VEM is irritating enough on it's own. But now you feel the need to change the physics of the hole?

    I have a finely tuned formula. It's worked great for over 2 years now. I know how it reacts and how fast to hit a putt so that if it hits towards the edge of the cup, it will still drop.

    Now, if you are even just a little off center, it will lip out! Even if you hit with the perfect speed! Which to me is 1-2 feet past the hole.

    I know you really try to be realistic, but you fail miserably when you try to do that. This is not at all realistic! it just serves as another way to annoy people. Especially players who've been here awhile.

    I must have had over 20 lipped out putts today alone. Putts that look dead center, veers of just a bit off center and lips completely around the hole.

    If you're going to change crap like this wgt, you need to announce what you're planning to either a group of top players or country club owners and see what the general consensus is BEFORE you implement it. AND, If you're so concerned about people shooting these low scores... you should increase the green speed or fine tune UEL. Messing with physics related to the hole and not announcing it is a bunch of crap to be frank.


  • Thudman69
    47 Posts
    Wed, Aug 6 2014 10:17 AM

    They've been doing this for years, count yourself lucky if you haven't been affected until now.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,976 Posts
    Wed, Aug 6 2014 11:15 AM


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Aug 6 2014 11:39 AM

    Taking a few days break from playing here. Me or the game something went south a very few days ago.  Could not make a GIR for 5 holes straight in R2 of the Transamerica, but fortunately wedged OK to save par, but not a GIR 5 straight holes (always short) then fine really really???   Then I did 1/2 OK in RGs a day or so later then day after lip outs, meter jitter putting near ding / twice break seemingly.  Enough for me to say take a break and come back fresh whatever the real cause.........

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Aug 6 2014 11:58 AM
    I've noticed no differences. I'm still under-achieving.
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Aug 6 2014 12:21 PM


    They've been doing this for years, count yourself lucky if you haven't been affected until now.

    ^^This. It's almost cyclical for me.  :-)

  • aichapman
    1,431 Posts
    Wed, Aug 6 2014 1:28 PM

    It's nice to know that the " Lip out " craziness is happening to others, especially long serving members.

    The amount of missed putts I've had the last week or so has defied logic.

    I am not a great player but putting has always been my strong point  ( in the last 8 to 12 month's) and I know the difference when it comes to certain holes and certain putts.

    I had put it down to the " Yips " or just general bad options with aim or distance, and it has been quite frustrating.

    My putting used to help rectify my missed ding, badly played, stupid, thoughtless approach shots. At least I can still hit a fairway, or will that be my next problem. LOL.

    Seriously. I do enjoy playing this game and will be over the moon when I can sink an 8 footer again on a regular basis. I might even buy another putter, see how that goes.

    Thanks for posting.

    I don't feel so alone now :)

    Regards Alan

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Wed, Aug 6 2014 1:48 PM

    I also am seeing a difference, not only in the putts but in the approaches also. I have a program that I can fine tune the distance in by changing the correction number. 

    Today no matter what I change it will not dial in ,putts are edging the cup like crazy. 

    It's like whats the use in playing when no matter what you do you get bad results.

    I thought well maybe I needed an update ,checked that and no updates were available.

    Come on WGT whats the deal, I had this down to 1-2 yards per approach. My procedure didn't change.

  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Wed, Aug 6 2014 8:44 PM

    This is the crap that is just getting plain old. I'll admit, this putt in particular is borderline, but it's turning into a broken record as far as a lip-out percentage. Mine in the last month might be 25 percent.

  • MBidney
    145 Posts
    Thu, Aug 7 2014 7:18 AM

    Yes, it seems to me that something has changed big time as well.  My perfectly mapped R11's are now playing totally different.  I have tested mappings at Kia #1 for years and now all of a sudden depending on when I enter the course, they are either consistently perfect, or 5 yards short on EVERY CLUB.  Mulligan after mulligan after mulligan, 5 yards off the mappings I have been using for years.

    Happening to a friend of mine that has played this game for years as well.  Exactly the same anomaly.  We have blown through min 20 balls the last 2 days trying to isolate the variable and cannot.  It is totally random, but it is like having two different sets of clubs in the bag and picking them blindfolded.