VEM is irritating enough on it's own. But now you feel the need to change the physics of the hole?
I have a finely tuned formula. It's worked great for over 2 years now. I know how it reacts and how fast to hit a putt so that if it hits towards the edge of the cup, it will still drop.
Now, if you are even just a little off center, it will lip out! Even if you hit with the perfect speed! Which to me is 1-2 feet past the hole.
I know you really try to be realistic, but you fail miserably when you try to do that. This is not at all realistic! it just serves as another way to annoy people. Especially players who've been here awhile.
I must have had over 20 lipped out putts today alone. Putts that look dead center, veers of just a bit off center and lips completely around the hole.
If you're going to change crap like this wgt, you need to announce what you're planning to either a group of top players or country club owners and see what the general consensus is BEFORE you implement it. AND, If you're so concerned about people shooting these low scores... you should increase the green speed or fine tune UEL. Messing with physics related to the hole and not announcing it is a bunch of crap to be frank.