DDRoss1: I know its been said, but i will piss about it anyway, some of the higher equipment IMO should be tier based and not level.
Basically +1 Feller.
I prattle on about that too:) I do so as I think it would be good for the game and genuine player. Doubt it will happen with the format as it stands but a new tier would facilitate this in a v fair for WGT and give something for the player (I am trying to be pragmatic with what I think would fly).
TL has become a bit of an easy to get to thing (for players that go an easy route), and one look at the the very top of the averages it's very very silly when players like Seb are only 4th. I envisage a new tier being one that then reasonably solid player can get too with benefits like the pro shop then open. Something for WGT and something for the solid genuine player.
I have no thought's on any real elite league (tour) particularly, but read some ideas on that with interest, but that should not get in the way of some common sense coming to "solid" genuine players. If they do introduce a new L101 something I am afraid |I just see that as very silly whether it really makes a difference or not (and it probably will not).
Enough here:)...
My thought's are documented more fully for elsewhere.