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Cool City

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Fri, Aug 8 2014 10:29 AM (53 replies)
  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Wed, Aug 6 2014 2:05 PM

    Yep, It is out...the most cool & groovy city in America ? Well, #3 was Austin, Texas and it is a very neat, clean & tidy place to be...for sure. #2 was Seattle, Washington..Pretty, interesting, fun and serious drinking at all times, but the weather is real crap. And #1...Washington DC.....Why ? beats me...been there twice, seen all the things...I wouldn't live there for anything....between the horrible weather & PCP (political correctness police) , plus the filth...nah

  • ISH47
    1,963 Posts
    Wed, Aug 6 2014 2:09 PM

    There's nothing cool about the traffic in DC either..

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Aug 6 2014 2:36 PM

    I have not been to Austin, but spent a day in Seattle, was a nice place, but spent 4 days in Everett, a must for anyone into aviation.

    Washington DC was a dump IMO. Spent 4 hours driving there on a trip to NY - 8 hours of my life wasted.

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Wed, Aug 6 2014 3:20 PM

     Austin is amazing. Seattle has it's charms but no clue why DC would be on that list.  Where did Portland land on that?  That is a place I can see living.    - WGTdbloshoe

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Wed, Aug 6 2014 3:21 PM

    Washington DC was a dump IMO.

    DC is a VERY cool place with A LOT of "American" history tied in. 1st - you need to know where to go. 2ndly you need to know juuuuuust a little about American history. DC is our Nations Capital and to knock it in ANY way is wrong. Every city in the world has its "filth" but Washington DC is the1 city that shows everyone just what our country went through for the freedom we live with everyday. Stand at one of the foothills of Arlington Cemetery knowing that allllll those men and women DIED for OUR freedom.

    I better stop. Every city in the world has it filth but lets not bundle an entire city because of a few bad sections. Especially our Nations Capital. 

    Understand American history before you make such a harsh statements.


    1,141 Posts
    Wed, Aug 6 2014 3:36 PM

    georgetown ROCKS ....

    but one the best ,,, ummmm... topless bars i know is in AUSTIN .... ,,Sugar's ...


    srry ,,,never been to seattle.... id never get past ..austin .. anyway


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Aug 6 2014 4:23 PM

    Understand American history before you make such a harsh statements

    I do understand American History for your information, but my experience there was not pleasant. I went with a colleague (American) and he was just as appalled at the state of the Capital. He had been away for 10 years, and was saddened to see how it had changed.

    I have travelled more than most and always have an open mind wherever I have gone - DC did not cut the mustard.

    Also bear in mind the history you are talking about is relatively recent history in world terms

    For that matter Australia's capital is worse - an even bigger dump so to blindly refuse to accept any criticism of your Countries Capital is rather naïve IMHO. I fully understand about the freedom and sacrifices from those defending our right to freedom, and have the upmost admiration and gratitude for those sacrifices. My comments had nothing to do with that. Do you blindly put every politician on a pedestal, just because they are a politician?

    Yes every city in the world has filth and poverty as I have seen first hand but I would guess those mentioned above must also feel some sense of disappointment that freedom for some is not a feasible reality.

    I did visit Arlington Cemetery and that is moving, but so are the cemeteries along the cost of France and Belgium.

    So correct me if I am wrong, but isn't it my right of freedom of speech to be critical if I choose to be? Personally I think you are being overly sensitive.

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Wed, Aug 6 2014 4:32 PM


    DC is a VERY cool place with A LOT of "American" history tied in. 1st - you need to know where to go. 2ndly you need to know juuuuuust a little about American history. DC is our Nations Capital and to knock it in ANY way is wrong. Every city in the world has its "filth" but Washington DC is the1 city that shows everyone just what our country went through for the freedom we live with everyday. Stand at one of the foothills of Arlington Cemetery knowing that allllll those men and women DIED for OUR freedom.

    I better stop. Every city in the world has it filth but lets not bundle an entire city because of a few bad sections. Especially our Nations Capital.

    My oldest daughter lives just outside of DC, you've obviously never been there, other than the memorials and monuments the place is a crime ridden dump!


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Wed, Aug 6 2014 5:43 PM

    I understand a fair amount of Scottish history, our capital city, Edinburgh, has human history going back to 8500b.c.

     Edinburgh is  sh1tty and the people are miserable buggars.

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Wed, Aug 6 2014 5:48 PM

    the place is a crime ridden dump!

    Where you belong then fatdan. 


    As for alanti's freedom of speech, in this case I just consider the source. Im sure you bash the hell out of Sydney, OH WAIT, I mean Canberra or whatever the hell the Capital or territory or ,,,LOL WTF - whatever. No wonder your so confused alantis.


    As for any American who talks sh-t about your country's capital, then why on earth do you live here? WHY? If America is sooooo f'ing bad. If our government is sooooo f'ing bad. If our economy is sooooo f'ing bad. THEN WHY LIVE HERE? How can anyone possibly talk sh-t about your country's capital.