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Computer Question

Thu, Aug 7 2014 11:13 AM (3 replies)
  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Thu, Aug 7 2014 9:04 AM

    I use a wind program, and I have just started playing in full screen ( the one at the bottom right hand corner with the 4 arrows ) 

    My question is when I am in full screen I can not pull up the wind program, does anyone know why?

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Thu, Aug 7 2014 9:40 AM

    It's possible it's hidden by the full screen game client. If so, try pulling the bottom of the game client up past the taskbar, using the arrows that appear when you put your cursor over the line at very bottom of game client window. When I used a new PC, I had to enlarge the game client, and it blocked/hid the taskbar. I had to shrink it down to save, share, or see the main WGT page. Hope this helps. Anyway I can get a link or copy of that program? You can shoot me a message.


  • ScottHope
    10,636 Posts
    Thu, Aug 7 2014 11:03 AM

    You can always use the Alt+Tab key combo to cycle through your open applications.

    Hold down the ALT key then press the Tab key until the application you want is highlighted, then release the Alt key.

    If you are just cycling back and forth between two applications, irrespective of how many applications you have open, then you can just hit the Alt Tab key just the one time to go back and forth.

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Thu, Aug 7 2014 11:13 AM

    It's a pain, but instead of using the full screen tab, the game is more stable if I open the game window and use the arrows to make the window full sized...put the cursor on the edges and stretch it(lol) when the arrows appear, I also move it up on the screen so the X/-/enlarge tabs can barely be seen...full screen makes it a little choppy for some reason.

    I have no idea why the wind program won't work...