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Can you explain brackets to me? Color me confused.

rated by 0 users
Sat, Aug 9 2014 2:47 AM (2 replies)
  • mikealdrichpga
    1 Posts
    Fri, Aug 8 2014 2:07 AM

    I played the first round.  Went back and clicked on the tournament and although only the first round had been played, it said that the tournament was over.

    Color me confused!

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Fri, Aug 8 2014 5:39 PM


    I played the first round.  Went back and clicked on the tournament and although only the first round had been played, it said that the tournament was over.

    Color me confused!

    Like many players I think you didn't read the Bracket tourney rules when you entered. I think you may be asking aboutt the CTTH bracket you entered. If you read the rules each round is only 15 minutes to be played. Almost all players missed the second round and were a WD. When you enterr these bracket Tourneys you have to carefully read the rules. CTTH is only 15 minutes per round. Speed Brackets  stroke play are only 30 minutes per round. The regular stroke play bracket Tourneys are 24 hours per round. You really need to read every word before you enter and tee off. Good thing is you didn't have a wager on the games. GL :)

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sat, Aug 9 2014 2:47 AM

    (15 mins for each round in CTTH brackets)

    You really need to read every word before you enter and tee off.


    For all brackets, the limited round time is only given in the description between "enter tournament" in the list and "confirm entry" for the individual tourney.
    No mentioning at all in the tournament rules, and it's not(!) stated in the confirmation mail!

    BTW, in the Bracket Tournament Rules, a special tie breaker rule is noted (last 9, last 6 holes, ...) Can't tell now if it is any different to the strokeplay rule in the FAQs.


    I wondered how watchful a player must be to catch the beginning of the second round, only 15 mins after all entries are completed. Looks difficult since the latter may take any amount of time. Therefore, I entered a CTTH bracket as 6th, tournament started 76 mins later. No mail notice for that, only timely mails for each consecutive round.

    Three of eight players scored in the second round, five WDs. These three played all their rounds to the final match. I was the lucky one with two free tickets due to the WDs.

    From playing two speed brackets, I notice

    a) stroke results of closed rounds in unfinished tournaments are displayed in the score history, CTTHs are not. They will only appear after the fourth round has been finished.

    b) The Bracket number of a running tournament is available from the display in the game client but not from the result list in the player's profile. There, replaced by a #.

    c) In the CTTH (#50230), the wrong player is displayed as the winner in the top, though the flag colour correctly points to his final opponent (me) with the better score (206 vs. 228).


    The odd items:

    Said CTTH does not appear in the Bracket results page.

    Apparently, "free" credits may not be used for the entry fee - only game wins and those bought by the player are mentioned.

    Apparently 2, bracket tournaments are not tournaments as described in the FAQs.

    "Tournament" winnings count towards the career earnings (see FAQs), Bracket winnings do not AFAIK.