What i asked if it where just me who found the current website shity and very black and not easyere to find your way around in, compared to the site we have had since i joined wich where looking 100 times better and ill bet you anyone would agree with me on this matter, i even belive you posted it was an old website you had in the past that you had repostet why you did that is beyound me and i bet alot of others, and i seriously dont see how that question could offend anyone at all. dont tell me that old site isent black all over barely any grafics or anything, compared to the one we had i mean theres no contest between the two.
I have never put any question to the work you all put into the CC ive been helping people out in the CC as well with peoples game and such and ive allways told anyone that it is a great CC, and iam having a hard time to belive it was decided as a club none of the members ive talked to had any clue to why i got kicked,
And on a sidenote, you got a nice CC going and i thought it was a more grown up CC with adult people who wouldent be so childish just becourse they get a little critic, iam a guy who say it like it is, not trying to hide my opinions and i would expect you to act like a grown up and atleast state the reasons for kicking someone in the messeges you send out or atleast try to talking to the person before taking any actions.