Granted I'm only using the beginner clubs but even when I give my ball the most backspin possible I cannot make a shot "stick". Is this a program problem?
Starter clubs have zero spin, starter balls have zero spin., 0+0=0.
Harsh but true.
no that is a starter club / ball problem.
if you want the ball to stick, getting better gear is the only way
PaulTon: Starter clubs have zero spin, starter balls have zero spin., 0+0=0. Harsh but true.
Good news - Bad news is: falling into the habit of automatically using max BS as you gain better balls/wedges that offer an array of options....with top wedges/balls, you can expect so much back-spin that you can get it closer with what you are using now
Wrong there paul the clubs got a whopping 0.5 spin lol
I always uses full bs with these clubs&balls for better shot results.
spdemon:Wrong there paul the clubs got a whopping 0.5 spin lol
PaulTon: spdemon:Wrong there paul the clubs got a whopping 0.5 spin lol