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Is it time for WGT to overhaul tier/hdcp./tours?

rated by 0 users
Thu, Aug 14 2014 11:02 AM (0 replies)
  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Thu, Aug 14 2014 11:02 AM

    I've been here for over 7 years now, watching the game grow from a few of us with a few test holes to the large endeavor it is today. Reflecting on the last 7+ years, I think maybe it's time for WGT to catch its breath and make some changes to correct a few things that would make it even better for many.

    With all the changes over time forcing people to higher and higher tiers it's probably time for WGT to come up with a reasonable handicap system that addresses the differences between the different pars, tees, slope/ratings, etc.of the different courses. The current system hasn't stopped some players from sandbagging and taking advantage; I don't think they can be stopped under the current system. A legitimate handicap system would be more effective when combined with a revamp of the tournament and gambling offerings. Such a system would also address the current situation of so many people being forced up into tiers where they probably don't belong.

    Sweepstakes tournaments should remain as they are; open to everyone. No matter the skill, playing level, whatever, everyone has an equal opportunity to win something there.

    Instead of the current tier system, all tournaments with awards based on scores should be moved to a series of pro tours similar to the real life golf tours. Tours with promotions and demotions based on performance over seasons with immediate promotions for multiple wins in a season. Prizes should range from extremely minimal on the low level tours to the highest level tour for the true elites of the game the same as the PGA Tour. Entry fees should likewise be adjusted according to the tour level.

    With a legitimate handicapping system the country clubs could continue to offer whatever tournaments they want, knowing that even a low wind tournament from the red tees will not affect their members any more negatively than one from championship tees and high winds.

    I'm sure the next thought is going to be seen as very controversial and I would like some people help me discuss this in a way that could lead to WGT retaining or improving their income from their cut of the gambling in regular games. I see where my thoughts would lead to a reduction in that.

    Perhaps the amount a person is allowed to gamble should be restricted by handicap, playing tour level or something else I am missing. I know this goes against the notion that anyone should be able to risk any amount at any time but I don't see much of a way around such a setup to help protect people from the unscrupulous. Maybe something along the lines of the two players involved can only bet up to an amount equivalent to their two tours, say 10 credits for the bottom tour and 5,000 for the elite. I just threw out the numbers for the example; They're not something I've thought through.

    Something I've proposed before would probably have to be implemented alongside these changes on the equipment side. With the handicap system replacing the tier system a reduction in the percentage of effectiveness of a club per "tour" the player is eligible for would be needed. Things like starter clubs would be 100% effective immediately while the top clubs would only be 100% of performance in the hands of the elite pro tour players.


    I would appreciate it if the WGTadmins would weigh in on these thoughts. I've always found you well spoken and thoughtful, not just dismissing out of hand the things you actually have weighed in on the past. You won't offend me by shooting holes in these ideas, hopefully suggesting other ways the game can grow

    I just feel that after 7+ years it's time for the game to improve to yet another level.