alosso:Nope - a fix of the date sort should be even easier, just copy&paste from the correct (former) CC entry date sort. It looks fairly difficult to mess this up as it is!
I don't know if the date in their database is an actual date or if it's just a text field. What I see on the display is not a valid date format (mm.dd.yyyy). I think that's another "space" issue ... like the one-byte array for one's friends list.
alosso:Problem with WGT is that the "start of work" date for such tasks defaults to the day of Sankt Nimmerlein (a well known saint in Germany), which is not before the Twelfth of Never.
To me, it's all about the money. Instead of just upping the number of rounds, members have to get the CC to level 6 by using a CC Pass (2 free passes a day, but most will waste one in a hope to get the CC the maximum XP).
It's going to be a while before anyone gets to level 6. Hopefully they have that programmed into the game already. It would suck if some CC's get to level 6 then find that the extra games is a "future release" item too!