Many of us only use a small portion of the meter to putt.
If I want to putt with a stroke strength of 10 feet I use the 100 foot scale but only use 10% of the stroke length.
If I want to putt with a stroke strength of 90 feet I use the 300 foot scale but only use 30% of the stroke length.
Shortening the stroke length makes the meter display move towards the Ding line slower.
Fringe is kind of a no mans land that has a more variable speed than the green does. I rarely putt from the fringe, opting instead to Pitch (98% of the time) or Chip instead to eliminate that fringe speed variable while also eliminating some portion of the break between the ball and the hole.
Note too that the putt meter is linear but the shot meter isn't. In other words, using 10% of the shot meter and a club rated at 150 yards won't result in a shot that goes 15 yards. The shot will be well short of 15 yards.
That is why so many players find the % scales of WGT's Shot/Putter Pal so helpful. There are a couple of outside vendors that also offer legal-for-use-on-WGT Shot/Putter Pal like small programs. I have been using one of the 3rd party programs - VGG Caddy - for a couple of years.