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If you cannot beat them, join them !

Tue, Aug 19 2014 4:05 PM (97 replies)
  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Tue, Aug 19 2014 2:08 AM

    I'm very disappointed to see that WGT has given in to the cheats using auto dinger software by now advertizing the software to basically cheat.

    This advert appeared while I was waiting to start a game.   I've not installed it myself but it saddens me that WGT is admitting defeat to the cheats.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Aug 19 2014 2:18 AM

    I am a little confused - where did this show up? I us an ad blocker so never get to see that sort of crap.

    Also it is not good form to advertise this link - but I hope it is a virus LOL if someone tries to download it!

  • TNP56
    510 Posts
    Tue, Aug 19 2014 2:25 AM

    Ohhhhhh come on on now -----are you serious???


    Thank god I just play for fun 98 % of the time -----but just even advertising this crap on your own website is kickin yourself and the LOYAL & HONEST PLAYERS IN THE ASS----- why don't you  just do this then......

    Buy the company out then sell this crap in your Pro Shop-----

    no wonder I hardly trust anybody anymore.    


    BTW   I have never seem this crap either cause I use ad-blocker

  • Wontonamo
    2,269 Posts
    Tue, Aug 19 2014 2:50 AM

    Will using Shot Master save me money?


    Answer: Shot Master will save you money by being able to use less expensive balls, not loosing balls in water hazards or hitting the ball out of bounds and by shooting lower scores (e.g. ball last longer, so you buy balls less frequently).

    Missing the Ding can be very costly, especially when you hit an expensive ball into a water hazard or out of bounds that is new or barely used. The most expensive balls on WGT cost over $2.00 each with the primary benefit being a slower swing speed to allow you to hit the ding more consistently.

    Since Shot Master takes the shot for you based on the Timer Setting value for selected club and ball speed, you will not need to use those expensive balls to play consistent golf and shoot below par.  Plus, you will seldom lose a ball and by shooting lower scores, the ball will last longer... thus saving you money playing WGT Golf.

    Bottom line is that $3.00 for 1000 shots will actually save you more money than you spend on buying more shots to be used with the Shot Master program.  Play Great Golf and have more fun for less money.

    Is using Shot Master cheating when playing WGT Golf?

    Answer: Shot Master is a legal 3rd Party Software that does not violate any registered trademarks or laws, but may be considered cheating when playing WGT Golf Games, especially if used in tournament play.  For that reason, we recommend that Shot Master be used solely for Fun in games that don't result in you winning WGT Credits or leveling up by shooting lower scores in tournaments.

    However, we don't consider that using Shot Master is cheating, bur simply leveling the playing field.  Do you really think that some WGT Golfers are able to shoot average scores in the low 50's without using some sort of tool to help them hit the ding consistently?  To do this, they must birdie every hole (e.g. 72 -18 = 54), and make an eagle occassionally to make up for missing a birdie putt.

    Have you played against or with a fellow WGT Golfer that hit every fairway and green in regulation and made Birdies and Eagles on a consisent basis?  Did you think that this WGT Golfer is cheating, or simply a much better golfer than you?

    Most likey, that WGT Golfer was using Shot Master or some other tool when playing WGT Golf.  Consequently, we offer Shot Master as a tool for you to use when playing WGT Golf for Fun and to play more consistent golf and let you decide if it is cheating or not to use Shot Master.
    wow on both parts LOL

    if this is a wgt ad then its quite funny - guess wgt dont mind losing revenue from lost ball sales.
    second part im sure most of us would have thought at one point in time or another.
    is it rampant? no idea, but if wgt is promoting it.... are we allowed to talk about in public??
    would love to know their thoughts :)
    thought i would put my words in italics to show  what is said by me as opposed to what i pasted from the company FAQ. just in case people got confused and think i work for them.

  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Tue, Aug 19 2014 2:53 AM

    I was very disappointed to see this advertized on WGT.  I'll admit, I did watch the promo.    I wasn't too impressed,  but the fact that WGT  is not watching the ads that are sent out is the disturbing part.  

    No doubt this thread will be blocked at some point, I'm hoping so.    However, WGT had it's eye off the ball there.

  • stevenharkin
    1,921 Posts
    Tue, Aug 19 2014 3:02 AM

    Sorry, but don't buy/believe that WGT was advertising this "thing".

    Beginning of the end if they are.

  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Tue, Aug 19 2014 3:06 AM

    It's possible that WGT uses an add service ... and that ad service has a search tool that combs the internet for golf related material. The add in question could have appeared randomly that way without WGT knowledge.

    The funny part about the add is the appeal to subjectivism. Try our Shot master and you can decide whether it's cheating or not. Lol ... 

    The thing to do is find out the URL for the Shot Master site, and email it to WGT so they can block it ... not a tough fix.

  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Tue, Aug 19 2014 3:09 AM


    I am a little confused - where did this show up? I us an ad blocker so never get to see that sort of crap.

    Also it is not good form to advertise this link - but I hope it is a virus LOL if someone tries to download it!

    I realize it may not be good form in advertizing this.   Maybe an e-mail to WGT would have been better,  but what I wanted to show is WGT's lack of control over its own game.  The true players here,  hate to think that an opponent has an advantage over them, I made TL the proper way, and I know the cheats are out there,   I'm just saying how can this be rightly advertized on WGT.   

    Things are very wrong if WGT will allow this to be advertized.


  • TopShelf2010
    10,976 Posts
    Tue, Aug 19 2014 3:10 AM

    Oh bloody hell... nice find Steve.

    After all this time of not wanting to give into the conspiracy theorists about cheating software, the proof is in the pudding as they say. Now mind you, I am not saying that the Top Players here are using this software. But now, as much as I hate to admit it, every time I see a low score, that thought is going to cross my mind.

    Hopefully the WGT Brass will be able to find a way to block this.

    I think I read somewhere in the Terms and Conditions that software like this is prohibited. I am not that tech savy so I am nit sure how they would be able to detect this type of software.

    This is going to be a very interesting thread over the next few days to say the least.

  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Tue, Aug 19 2014 3:21 AM

    I'd like to take some credit TS,  but the fact is, this ad found me.

    No doubt over the next few days i'm going to be rewarded with severe VEM,