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UEL Ryder Cup @ Pinehurst: Sep20-Oct13

Fri, Oct 17 2014 4:57 PM (366 replies)
  • fredsf
    1,460 Posts
    Mon, Sep 15 2014 4:04 AM

    I've sent a friend invite to Konrad, I'm sure I'll get an answer from him in the near future so things can move on!

  • MainzMan
    9,590 Posts
    Mon, Sep 15 2014 10:50 AM

    Damn, I just mailed my group to say I should be free this weekend.  Then my wife reminded me it's her mother's 60th birthday party on Saturday.

    Hope you're all good for Sunday!

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Mon, Sep 15 2014 2:05 PM

                      ROW Team                  vs                    USA

    B ::      stevereilly & MainzMan            vs     mmyers0 & ColumbusStorm

    Suggested dates/times for Matches:

    B :: The only overlap for the 4 of you is on one particular day at the weekend, on Saturday 9/20, between 5-10pm UTC (10am-3pm WGT time)

    Hope you're all good for Sunday!

    Hi Mainz,

    mm has a note on his availability that shows he can't play Sundays at all, so that Saturday was the only day that could work for all 4 of you...

    ... but I have a possible solution.

    Match F is also running into trouble with Konrad's replying that he's unable to make it at the only time I can make it work at the weekend.

    If the ROW team switches partners and you join Konrad to take on Wes and Fred, while Steve plays with me instead against mm and Russ that could work.

    Here's the new proposal:

    B ::      stevereilly & MainzMan Corwyn            vs     mmyers0 & ColumbusStorm

    B :: The proposed time for the new group of the 4 of you is Saturday 9/20, starting at 4pm UTC (9am WGT time) [local times: 5pm for Steve, 11am for mmyers0, noon for Russ]

    F ::      KonradOse & Corwyn MainzMan          vs     Wesdogg75 & fredsf

    F :: The proposed time for the new group of the 4 of you is now on Sunday 9/21 between 5-8pm UTC (10am-1pm WGT time) (local times: 19:00-22:00 for Konrad and Mainz, 10am-1pm for Fred, noon-3pm for Wes) 

    Would all participants in these two matches please confirm here in the thread if these changes can work for them?


  • ColumbusStorm
    3,417 Posts
    Mon, Sep 15 2014 4:23 PM

    I confirm here that noon EDT Saturday is okay for me in match B.

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Mon, Sep 15 2014 4:28 PM

    Just an FYI... Group C is still working out some kinks. Right now we're looking at Saturday the 20th. 

  • mmyers0
    478 Posts
    Mon, Sep 15 2014 6:24 PM

    Here's the new proposal:

    B ::      stevereilly & MainzMan Corwyn            vs     mmyers0 & ColumbusStorm

    B :: The proposed time for the new group of the 4 of you is Saturday 9/20, starting at 4pm UTC (9am WGT time) [local times: 5pm for Steve, 11am for mmyers0, noon for Russ]


    Would all participants in these two matches please confirm here in the thread if these changes can work for them?

    11 AM instead of noon on on the 20th is perfectly fine with me.

    *considers taking this opportunity to talk a little trash, but decides to wait*

  • fredsf
    1,460 Posts
    Mon, Sep 15 2014 6:43 PM

    Sunday will work for me, I can see that Konrad accepted my friend request, Just sent one to MainzMan. I'll check with Wes if it works for him too and try to arrange a precise time for the game with everybody. 

    Take a rest Corwyn, you deserve it! We're big boys, we might be able to set up this damn game between the four of us!!!  ;)

  • stevereilly
    5,910 Posts
    Mon, Sep 15 2014 11:29 PM


    Here's the new proposal:

    B ::      stevereilly & MainzMan Corwyn            vs     mmyers0 & ColumbusStorm

    B :: The proposed time for the new group of the 4 of you is Saturday 9/20, starting at 4pm UTC (9am WGT time) [local times: 5pm for Steve, 11am for mmyers0, noon for Russ]


    Would all participants in these two matches please confirm here in the thread if these changes can work for them?

    11 AM instead of noon on on the 20th is perfectly fine with me.

    *considers taking this opportunity to talk a little trash, but decides to wait*

    It will be in the lap of the Gods if I can make the start time of 4pm UTC, however, I can say for definite I can make 5pm UTC.   I'm afraid I have work commitments that are tricky to get out of.


  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Tue, Sep 16 2014 12:23 AM

    I think I can make it work 1hr later at 5pm UTC (10am for me, 6pm for Steve, noon again for mm, and 1pm for Russ), but I'll only have a 2hr window maximum, so we would need to all get started promptly.

  • mmyers0
    478 Posts
    Tue, Sep 16 2014 7:16 AM

    Back to noon then? If you need me to officially sign off again, consider it done.